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The Coming World Championship
The match for the World Chess Championship, the classic match between the East and the West is set for June of this year. It will pit current champion Boris Spassky of the Soviet Union against the phenomenal prodigy Bobby Fischer of the United States. After much debate from both sides, it was decided that the match will be played in two parts, the first in Belgrade, Yugoslavia, and the second in Reykjavik, Iceland.
Final world of the details of this title match is scheduled to be released Tuesday by FIDE, the international chess organization. Full details will be carried in this column.
Two Champions Look at Bobby
Present World Champion Boris Spassky: “His weak points are a secret.”
Past World Champion Tigran Petrosian: “Fischer is very solid, very hard, and very aggressive.”
For Lack Of A Glance, Farewell to $600
Petrosian's evaluation above was made after his disastrous defeat at Fischer's hands in Buenos Aires. Fischer's wins on his way to the summit have been so overwhelming that he seems like an inexorable force that simply cannot be stopped, for Petrosian is no pushover.…
My, How Chess Has Risen!
In the California Legislature recently, Assemblyman Leo J. Ryan, of South San Francisco, solemnly introduced and obtained the passage of an Assembly resolution congratulation Bobby Fischer on his victory over Petrosian and wishing him good fortune in his forth-coming battle for the world title. It's hard to imagine such an action taking place as recently as even a year ago.