The Los Angeles Times Chess by Herman Steiner Sunday, January 28, 1934 Los Angeles, California L.A. Times Problem No....
Posted by Bobby Fischer's True History on Thursday, May 27, 2021
L.A. Times Problem No. 432. From the International two-mover tourney of the Budapest Chess Club, 1933. 13th prize by H. Eliassen (Oslo.) White mates in two.
FEN 6QB/1B1n4/3Rnr2/1ppp4/r2k4/b1NNp2b/2K1P1p1/8 w - - 0 1
Key: NxQP/Nxd5
There was only one wrong solution, BxP, which would be defeated by N-B2!
The Los Angeles Times Chess by Herman Steiner Sunday, January 28, 1934 Los Angeles, California L.A. Times Problem No....
Posted by Bobby Fischer's True History on Thursday, May 27, 2021
L.A. Times Problem No. 433 by A. Anderson. White mates in three.
FEN 8/5p2/5B2/4n3/1P1R1p2/1Pp1kP2/2P1P1K1/R7 w - - 0 1
Key: R-K/Re1
1. R-K KxR; 2. P-K4! PxP e.p.; 3. R-Q mate.
1. Re1 Kxd4 2. e4 fxe3 3. Rd1#
The Los Angeles Times Chess by Herman Steiner Sunday, January 28, 1934 Los Angeles, California L.A. Times End Game No....
Posted by Bobby Fischer's True History on Thursday, May 27, 2021
L.A. Times End Game No. 3 by Henry Rinck. White to move and win.
FEN 8/1p6/k1p5/4p3/2K3p1/3R4/4Pp2/B7 w - - 0 1
Solution to End Game No. 3: R-R3ch
1. R-R3ch K-N3; 2. B-B3! P-B4; 3. R-R P-N6; 4. B-K! P-B8(Q); 5. B-R5ch and wins.
1. Ra3+ Kb6 2. Bc3 c5 3. Ra1 g3 4. Be1 f1=Q 5. Ba5+
Game Department
Occasionally the question arises as to the relative merits of the present-day masters and those of twenty-five or thirty years ago. It is the writer's opinion that the players of those days were just as strong as the players of today. The difference lies in the fact that the older players were more of the romantic type and more inclined to combination play, which was not strictly in accordance with the present-day understanding of the fundamental principles of the game, which call for more positional play and less combination.
The following two games are illustrative of the preceding remarks and were played in 1901:
John Finan Barry (White) vs. Harry Nelson Pillsbury (Black)
Ruy Lopez: Berlin Defense
Jacques Mieses vs James Mason
Monte Carlo (1901), Monte Carlo MNC, rd 4, Feb-08
French Defense: Exchange Variation (C01) 1-0
With hundreds of men as spectators, more than 100 expert chess players yesterday entered their annual championship tournament in Room 200 at 130 South Broadway. Between forty and fifty games will be played each day, in the afternoons and evenings, for the next three weeks. The tournament is sponsored by the Los Angeles Chess and Checker Club. E. W. Grabill, chairman of the tournament committee, announced that the annual checker tournament will begin at the club. 130 South Broadway, at 1 p.m. tomorrow. The photograph below shows one of the groups in “action.”