Chess Chats by George Koltanowski
International Chess Master
The Press Democrat Santa Rosa, California Sunday, April 19, 1959 Problem No. 176. White to play and mate in two...
Posted by Bobby Fischer's True History on Tuesday, March 3, 2020
Problem No. 176.
White to play and mate in two moves.
FEN 8/5p2/5p2/5Q2/4p2r/3N2kp/4p2p/4K2B w - - 0 1
Solution: 1. Nf2 Rf4 2. Qxh3#
Gossip from Holland
(The following was taken from the Australian Chess World, so ably edited by C. J. S. Purdy.) Writing in a Dutch paper, Donner speaks of the impossibility of making much personal contact with Bobby Fischer during the interzonal. He begrudged even the time off for meals, and after a last hurried bite would rush off to his room to analyze or to prepare an opening.
Donner adds, “But I do not see much possibility of his further advance.” That is absurd. When you get natural genius allied to an infinite capacity for working at the chosen art, you get an Alekhine—or a Fischer.
Natural Genius
When you get only the natural genius, or high talent, you get a Pomar. There is a chance that Fischer may undermine his health—but we don't think Donner meant that. To prophesy that Fischer will become world champion would be silly but to prophesy (by implication) that he won't is even sillier. It would appear that Fischer's chief obstacle is likely to be Tal, who is not only a genius but seems a very robust character, and is only seven years older.
Barden, in “Chess,” adds to this picture describing Tal marching aggressively round the hall (at Munich) stopping for a few seconds at each board to grin before marching in. And a German caricaturist draws Tal applying a knife and fork to his opponent's pieces and gobbling them up with enormous gusto.
From the Munich Olympics:
Larry Evans vs Konstantin Grivainis
Munich Olympiad qual-2 (1958), Munich FRG, rd 6, Oct-06
Latvian Gambit: Accepted (C40) 1-0
(a) Also NxP is considered good here.
(b) 4. N-K5 is best.
(c) 13. P-B4 wins immediately.
(d) Misses an easy win with 15. Q-QR3.
(e) 16. N-B4 still gave winning chances.
(f) Here Evans offered a draw. Black turned the offer down.
(g) With 31. Q-N3ch. 32. R-N2 N-N5 or 32. Q-N2 Q-B2; Black might have had some drawing chances.