Chess by Isaac Kashdan
International Grandmaster
Almgren Leads In Santa Monica Club
Two of the leaders were paired in the third round of the masters and experts tournament of the Santa Monica Bay Chess Club and a stirring battle ensued.
Sven Almgren and Fritz Leiber struggled for seven hours in a game which led to a well-played rook and pawn ending. At the end each queened a pawn, but Almgren's advance was with check and this meant the game for him.
This left Almgren in the sole lead with 3-0. Dr. S. Weinbaum defeated another of the leaders, M. Haight, and tied at 2½-½ with G. Palmer and R. Sale. Leiber dropped to a 2-1 tie with Haight, E. Bersbach, J. Jaffray, M. Kerllenevich, N. Lessing and R. Martin.
In the fourth round of the Class B tournament M. Mintz scored again and leads with a perfect score of 4-0. S. Sturges and O. Wentcher, who adjourned their game, are tied for second with 3-0.
The club meets Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at Lincoln Park Clubhouse, 7th and Wilshire in Santa Monica. A regular series of rapid transit tournaments will be staged Friday evenings, open to members of the U.S. Chess Federation.
Following are last week's results:
MASTERS: Round Three—
Forrest 0, Lessing 1;
Almgren 1, Leiber 0;
Dr. Weinbaum 1, Haight 0;
Bersbach ½, Martin ½;
Palmer 1, Rivise 0;
Kerllenevich 1, Michaelson 0;
Loera 1, Jones 0;
Price 1, Coon 0;
Wrangell 1, Kempner 0;
Jeffers 0, Jaffray 1;
Sale 1, Henderaon 0.
CLASS B: Round Four—
G. Sturges 1, Hovey 0;
DeBriac 0, Dr. Collins 1;
Anderson 0, Carter 1;
Banhagel 0, Lerner 1,
Crissinger 0, Mintz 1;
S. Sturges vs. Wentcher, adjourned.
City Terrace Tourney
After three rounds of the East Side Open Tournament of the City Terrace Drive, the leaders are G. Barrett, J. Freed and A. Kirn, all with 3-0 scores. A. Carpenter and N. Hultgren follow with 2½-½.
The tournament is played Wednesday evenings under the direction of Ben Kakimi. Following are results of the second and third rounds, and an eventful game.
Paul Klaus (white) vs. Jack Freed (black)
Sicilian Defense: Old Sicilian
Leading in the contest to obtain new members for the U.S. Chess Federation is Herbert T. Abel of Santa Monica, who has reported a total of 14. Runner-up after a late start is Fred Haeger of San Gabriel, with 7.
Harry Borochow, California chairman of the drive for members, known as Operation A, reports that we are rapidly approaching the total of New York State, the chess center of the nation.
Other leaders in the drive are Capt. E. B. Edmondson of Mather Air Force Base and Burt Thach of Long Beach, who have signed up five members each. Frank Hufnagel of Sherman Oaks has two and a number of players have gained one new convert to the USCF.
A total of 58 members has been reported to Borochow or to local chairmen he has appointed. This, does not include a large number who signed directly through the New York office of the federation.
Anyone interested in joining the USCF should write to Harry Borochow, 6363 Wilshire Blvd., L.A. 48, or call him at OL. 3-7170.
From a note in the Pacific Coast Chess Herald, published in San Francisco, we learn that arrangements are being made to charter a bus next summer to travel to Omaha, Neb., for the U.S. Open Championship.
If enough California players are interested, this would mean considerable savings in transportation costs, besides good chess companionship. For details write to Robert A. Karch, 16025 Paseo del Campo, San Lorenzo.
Theodore Alexander Dunst (white) vs. Louis Levy (black)
Marshall Chess Club
Van't Kruijs Opening
Leslie Simon won the regular Tuesday evening rapid transit tournament at the Herman Steiner Chess Club, breezing through with a score of 11-0. R. Rupeiks finished second with 10-1, followed by A. White, 9½-l½, and H. Rogosin, 8-3.
Oleg Neikirch vs Laszlo Szabo
Portoroz Interzonal (1958), Portoroz SLO, rd 12, Aug-23
Gruenfeld Defense: Exchange. Simagin's Improved Variation (D86) 1-0
Mikhail Tal vs Svetozar Gligoric
Portoroz Interzonal (1958), Portoroz SLO, rd 7, Aug-15
King's Indian Defense: Saemisch. Closed Variation 7…c6 (E88) 1/2-1/2
Paul Keres vs Nikolay N Minev
Munich Olympiad Final-A (1958), Munich FRG, rd 3, Oct-13
Spanish Game: Closed Variations. Trajkovic Counterattack (C88) 1-0
Mikhail Tal vs Harry Golombek
Munich Olympiad Final-A (1958), Munich FRG, rd 8, Oct-19
Caro-Kann Defense: Advance Variation (B12) 1-0
Viktor Korchnoi vs Srecko Nedeljkovic
EUR-chT (Men) 1st (1957), AUT, rd 3, Aug-24
Nimzo-Indian Defense: Three Knights. Korchnoi Variation (E21) 1-0
Gonzales (white) vs. Jimenez (black)
Cuban Championship 1958
King's Indian Defense: Sämisch Variation
The Los Angeles Times, Chess by Isaac Kashdan, Sunday, February 01, 1959, Los Angeles, California Times Problem 3037 by...
Posted by Bobby Fischer's True History on Monday, May 23, 2022
Times Problem 3037 by C. Mansfield
Black 6
White 10
White mates in two.
FEN 8/3n4/2R3p1/R3p1Pb/1K2k1r1/5N1B/2PBP3/4Q3 w - - 0 1
Solution: 1. Qg3 Rxg3 2. Rc4#
The Los Angeles Times, Chess by Isaac Kashdan, Sunday, February 01, 1959, Los Angeles, California Times Problem 3038 by...
Posted by Bobby Fischer's True History on Monday, May 23, 2022
Times Problem 3038 by G. F. Moellwitz
Black 3
White 8
White mates in three.
FEN 8/3R1N2/4k2p/7p/4B2P/4B1K1/3P4/4R3 w - - 0 1
Solution: 1. Ba7 Kxd7 2. Bb7 Kc7 3. Re7#
In 3037 there is a mate set if Black plays K-B4ch. there are three ways for White to prepare other mates in answer to the same check. Which of these ways solves the problem?
There is not much Black can do in 3038, especially if you make the right moves.
Five points—W. S. Aaron, E. A. Bouvier, California High School Chess Club, P. R. Cassidy, M. Chutorian, C. Cresswell, C. Foster, J. D. Frierson, P. Geltner, Mrs. W. A. Gerth, J. Gotta, D. E. Gray, J. Kaufman, H. F. Lewis, N. J. Lomax, C. McKean, M. Morris, E. E. Penter, W. L. Rankel, J. Roper, S. Simcoe, Maj. H. Triwush.
Three points— J. C. Beaver, F. Aks, J. O. Bulpit, C. M. Dobson, M. Freeman, A. E. Hampel, A. Waksman.
Two points— R. D. Chick, W. G. Fox, O. H. Ketchum, M. J. Lucas, P. B. Poitevin, M. Rosen, W. B. Tudor, L. A. Victor.
One point— T. E. Armbruster, P. Bouvier, N. Lesser.
In Problem 3033 the key move Q-R1 looks just as good as Q-R8, and fooled a number of solvers. The answer is P-B6.
Heads Chess Club
Writing poetry, prose and plays aren't Davidson's only hobbies. He also is the founder of the Verdugo Hills Smokeless Chess Club.
The main rule for this pawn-pushing group is “no smoking while playing chess.” Davidson organized the club with its unusual aspect when he learned that the smoke was harming his health, according to his physician.
HERMOSA BEACH — South Bay Chess Club officers are Antoine De Beaubien, president; Ray Ambil, vice-president; Bob Kozel, treasurer; Leonard Fels, secretary, and Bill McAuliffe, tournament director.
She [Mrs. Gwili Cross] was signed by David O. Selznick to work in pictures for RKO-Radio but appeared in only three films.
In 1935 a secret marriage to Stasch Mlotkowski, former Pacific Coast chess champion, was revealed when the model filed for a divorce in Reno.