Chess by T.M. Cherington — Chess Play-offs to Select Botvinnik Opponent Sept. 6 — The challenger's round to select an opponent for World Champion Mikhail Botvinnik will begin Sept. 6 at Bled in the Balkans.
All 28 rounds are to be fought out in the Balkans. After 14 games at Bled, there will be seven in Zagreb and seven at Belgrade. By November the successful challenger should be known.
In 1960 he gets his chance to take the crown held by Botvinnik for ten years except for a brief interlude when Vassily Smyslov held mace and scepter.
MRS. MAX PAVEY, who was selected to represent the United States at negotiations with the Federation Internationale des Echecs after the recent death of her husband from accidental exposure to atomic radiation, has told International Grand Masters Robert Fischer and Pal Benko that America's hope for victory rests upon them.
At the Stockholm meeting with Folke Rogard presiding, former English chess champion Harry Golombek was named to the important post of directory. A good selection for he has the judgment and experience for the exacting task.
The stage then is set for a climax to the drama started two years ago by 15-year-old Fischer. The youth has yet to lose a tournament and he has entered them with abandon that would make the most courageous heart quell.