Chess By Isaac Kashdan
International Grandmaster
Tal Extends Lead In Challengers' Chess
Mikhail Tal of Moscow, scoring three wins and a draw in last week's play, considerably increased his lead in the Challengers' Tournament in Yugoslavia, according to reports from the New York Times.
What may prove to have been the decisive game of the tournament was Tal's victory over his closest competitor, Paul Keres of the Soviet Union. Keres sacrificed two pawns and the exchange for attacking chances. He seemed to be succeeding and, indeed, regained a piece. But the pawns proved too strong and Tal took the point after 40 moves.
Tal's score after 20 completed rounds is 14½-5½. He has not lost a game since his setback by Keres in Round 10 and now has excellent prospects of maintaining his lead for the remaining eight sessions.
Former world champion Vassily Smyslov of Moscow, who also scored 3½ points for the week, moved up to the first division for the first time. He displaced Svetozar Gligoric of Yugoslavia, whom he defeated in a fine rook and pawn ending in the 19th round.
U.S. champion Bobby Fischer of Brooklyn retained his hold on sixth place, in which he seems secure. He drew four times in succession, starting with an adjourned 16th-round game against Tigran Petrosian of Russia. After a difficult struggle each player obtained an additional queen by promotion. Fischer had the advantage in this unusual situation, but Petrosian found a way to enforce perpetual check.
Fischer drew in rather uneventful style against Paul Benko of New York, Gligoric and Fridrik Olafsson of Iceland. He did not fare as well against Tal in the 20th round. Fischer attempted some risky counterplay with the black pieces, but was outplayed and forced to resign after 34 moves.
Following are the detailed results and games from the tournament.
Keres 0, Tal 1;
Petrosian 0, Smyslov 1;
Benko ½, Fischer ½;
Gligoric 1, Olafsson 0.
Tal 1, Olafsson 0;
Fischer ½, Gligoric ½;
Smyslov 1, Benko 0;
Keres ½, Petrosian ½.
Petrosian ½, Tal ½;
Benko 0, Keres 1;
Gligoric 0, Smyslov 1;
Olafsson ½, Fischer ½.
Tal 1, Fischer 0;
Smyslov ½, Olafsson ½;
Keres 1, Gligoric 0;
Petrosian 1, Benko 0.
Paul Keres vs Robert James Fischer
Bled-Zagreb-Belgrade Candidates (1959), Bled, Zagreb & Belgrade YUG, rd 15, Oct-03
Indian Game: London System (A48) 0-1
Svetozar Gligoric vs Robert James Fischer
Bled-Zagreb-Belgrade Candidates (1959), Bled, Zagreb & Belgrade YUG, rd 11, Sep-24
Sicilian Defense: Najdorf Variation. Main Line (B99) 1-0
Svetozar Gligoric vs Tigran V Petrosian
Bled-Zagreb-Belgrade Candidates (1959), Bled, Zagreb & Belgrade YUG, rd 7, Sep-17
Caro-Kann Defense: Classical Variation. Main lines (B18) 1-0
Mikhail Tal vs Fridrik Olafsson
Bled-Zagreb-Belgrade Candidates (1959), Bled, Zagreb & Belgrade YUG, rd 4, Sep-11
Sicilian Defense: Najdorf Variation (B96) 1-0
Zoltan Kovaks defeated previous leader Tibor Weinberger to take over first place with a score of 4½-½ in the Southern California Chess Championship Tournament, being contested Sunday afternoons at the Herman Steiner Chess Club, 108 N. Formosa Ave.
Weinberger is tied at 4-1 with James Cross, Stephen Sholomson and Saul Yarmak. Just below, at 3½-1½ are Sven Almgren, Morris Gordon, Stephen Matzner, Irving Rivise, Gene Rubin and Leslie Simon.
Following are last week's results.
ROUND FIVE— Kovacs 1, Weinberger 0; Almgren 0, Cross 1; M. Gordon ½, Rivise ½; Barry 0, Yarmak 1; Harshbarger 0, Sholomson 1; Barrett 0, Rubin 1; Gibbs 0, Simon 1; Cunningham 0, Matzner 1; Jaffray ½, Syvertsen ½; Amneus 1, Bersbach 0; Hamman 1, Standers 0; H. Gordon 1, Kerllenevich 0; Weinbaum 1, Freed 0; Hultgren 1, Hufnagel 1; Fults 1, Mann 0; Loveless 1, Mego 0; Smook 1, Pabon 0; Bagley ½, Colby ½; Milner 1, Bissell 0; Rader 0, Bean 1; Fries vs. Pye, adjourned; Tiluks, bye.
Saul Yarmak (white) vs. Emil Bersbach (black)
Sicilian Defense: Pin Variation
The 12th annual San Gabriel Valley Open Chess Tournament started with 12 players at the Pasadena Chess Club, Raymond and Del Mar in Pasadena. The first-round results were:
Dr. R. Lewis 1, Dr. R Wilson 0; Mrs. Freed 0, D. Young 1; A. Carpenter ½, G. Hultgren ½; J. Freed 0, N. Hultgren 1; J. Porth 1, W. Edwards 0; R. Kilcher ½, J. Blaney ½.
The Santa Monica Open Chess Tournament attracted 17 entrants at the Santa Monica Bay Chess Club, Lincoln Park Clubhouse, 7th and Wilshire. Following are the details of the opening round:
S. Weinbaum 1, E. Jeffers 0; E. Bersbach 1, K. Forrest 0; T. Bullockus 1, S. Sturges 0: D. Benge 1, G. Sturges 0; A. Kempner 1, R. Schmeeckle 0; Dr. B. Collins 1, B. Hamilton 0; A. Michaelson 1, S. Holbrook 0; L. Strauss 1, V. Homolka 0; H. T. Abel 1, J. DeBriac 0.
Your editor encountered 26 opponents in his exhibition of simultaneous play at the San Gabriel Chess Club, 250 S Mission Dr. He won 24 games, lost to Frank Frilling and drew with Ben Kakimi.
The Los Angeles Chess Club has moved from 108 W 6th St. to 424 S Broadway, Room 515. The club is open from noon to midnight every day of the year.
The Los Angeles Times, Chess by Isaac Kashdan, Sunday, October 18, 1959, Los Angeles, California Times Problem 3111 By...
Posted by Bobby Fischer's True History on Thursday, June 9, 2022
Times Problem 3111 By M. Marble
Black 10
White 7
White mates in two.
FEN Q7/6N1/Kp4B1/3pp1n1/3k1r2/p1R4R/4rn2/B6q w - - 0 1
Solution: B-K4; 1. Be4 Qxe4 2. Rc2#
The Los Angeles Times, Chess by Isaac Kashdan, Sunday, October 18, 1959, Los Angeles, California Times Problem 3112 By...
Posted by Bobby Fischer's True History on Thursday, June 9, 2022
Times Problem 3112 By M. Prcic
Black 8
White 7
White mates in three.
FEN 8/8/5pN1/5P2/4p1Q1/4Pp1P/5ppp/3K1kbR w - - 0 1
Solution: N-B4; 1. Nf4 gxh1=R 2. Ng2 fxg2 3. Qe2#
If PxR(Q) or (B), 2. Q-N8; if PxR(R), 2. N-N2; if PxR(N), 2. P-R4.
The main point in 3111 is the avoidance of duals after the brilliant key. The task is achieved with remarkable economy. In 3112 remember that a pawn can promote to any one of several pieces. This makes for variety here.
Five points— W. S. Aaron, F. Aks, Dr. B. R. Berglund, J. F. Brown, M. Chutorian, J. R. Goodwin, J. Gotta, N. J. Lomax, J. R. Nap, E. E. Penter, W. L. Rankel, V. G. Sprague, C. E. Stern.
Two points— C. Cresswell, J. P. Foley, Mrs. W. A. Gerth, M. Jimenez, N. Lesser, E. A. Millis Jr., Mrs. J. W. Moore, P. J. Rak.
One point— R. S. Brown, A. Feerko, M. Rosen, F. R. Ruehl II.