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The new and the old champion battle it out in the 1958 U.S.A. National at New York:
Robert James Fischer vs Arthur Bisguier
United States Championship (1957/58), New York, NY USA, rd 5, Dec-23
French Defense: Winawer. Advance Variation General (C16) 1-0
Maurice J. Kasper, treasurer of the American Chess Foundation, of N.Y., has sent cheques for $250 each to Robert Fischer, for winning the U.S.A. Junior, U.S.A. Open and U.S.A. National, and to William Lombardy, winner of the World Junior at Toronto last summer, in recognition of their outstanding achievements. Shortly after winning the National, Fischer was the guest for a week of an Adirondack skiing resort, which included the services of a skiing instructor. Later, a New York TV program assured his participation in world series Interzonal at Portoroz, Yugoslavia this summer by underwriting his return place fare.