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The Western Chess association's tournament at Excelsior has arrived at a point where prediction is possible. It looks like Michelson or Blake, but both have hard games to play. Michelson, the hardest and it may depend on the last battle between the two. Schrader seems off and is entirely out of it.
The seventh round of the Widmeyer and Elliott game adjourned in favor of Widmeyer. Clark beat Barkuloo, Lee beat Seymour, Michelson beat Blieden, Bland beat Couper and Blake beat Schrader in an end game which should have been a draw.
In the eighth round, Michelson beat Widmeyer, Kline beat Seymour and Lee beat Barkuloo after a hard struggle in which the boy showed chess and steadiness against so able a veteran. Couper had a chance to beat Blieden, but ultimately lost. Schrader beat Clark, Blake should at least have drawn with Elliot, but his end play was not up to his usual standard. The Goldsmith-Bland game adjourned.
Among the expert chess players visiting and keenly following the games was Professor Kinney of Kenyon.
Score in full
Won. Lost. Draw. Total. Blake 7 1 0 7 Michelson 7 1 0 7 Elliott 5 2 1 3½ Schrader 4 2 2 5 Blieden 4 3 1 4½ A. Goldsmith 3 1 2 4 Clark 4 3 1 4½ Lee 4 4 0 4 A. Kline 3 3 1 3½ Barkuloo 3 5 0 3 Widmeyer 3 5 0 3 A. Bland 2 5 0 2 Couper 7 7 0 1 Seymour 0 8 0 0
Schedule for today; Morning: Bland vs. Seymour, Blieden vs. Goldsmith, Widmeyer vs. Couper, Blake vs. Michelson, Clark vs. Elliot, Barkuloo vs. Schrader, Kline vs. Lee. Afternoon: Elliot vs. Barkuloo, Michelson vs. Clark, Couper vs. Blake, Goldsmith vs. Widmeyer, Seymour vs. Blieden, Kline vs. Bland, Lee vs. Schrader.