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Chess For All
By G. Chesters
The Candidates' Tournament is drawing to its close with the young Russian, M. Tal, still in the lead. There are three rounds to go in this 28-round contest, the winner of which plays Michael Botvinnik for the world championship.
Tal has 18 points, though from his last two games he has only picked up half a point, having lost to Paul Keres, and drawn with Olafsson, of Iceland. Keres (15½) lies second, having taken three points from Tal in their four encounters. Smyzlov (14) is producing some great chess in the second half of the tourney. Then comes Petroshan (13½) and Gligoric (11½), both tiring. We are told remarkable recoveries have been made by 16-year-old U.S.A. champion. Bobby Fischer, and by Olafsson, and that the stateless Benko is out of his class.
Throughout the tournament Tal has played his usual daring sacrificial game. He delights in sacrifices and complicated combinations. Here is a game which well illustrates his ability to seize upon his opponent's errors and to punish him severely and quickly for them.
In the diagrammed position, Bobby Fischer quickly puts an end to his opponent's struggles by exploiting the fact that he has a Pawn on the seventh. Can you see the winning line?