This I've known for years, and surely, Bobby knew it down deep too as he grew to ridicule the USA for its Imperialistic scheming & meddling.
According to propaganda of far right, Jews are just so powerful and poor white folks, can't catch a break from the stranglehold. Every wrong, a ‘jew’ is behind it. But look closer, you find a white gentiles pulling strings behind the scenes. This false narrative of rightwing extremists is NOT what I found in very old newspapers tonight.
These events were taking shape around 1917, and had nothing to do with Judaism, or protecting Jews. Not even the Holocaust because Hitler would not have power until the 1930s. This is 1910's era. Supporting Zionism had everything to do with Britain's and American economic interests abroad. The attached article says as much!
Daily Arkansas Gazette January 11, 1918
(Bit of news-clipping attached. Religion is mentioned nowhere, but of strategic “economic” interest to America, is.) For more indepth understanding of the bloody history behind American expansionism, Google “American History + Manifest Destiny”. The U.S. wasn't satisfied with the mere Native American genocide, they had their sights set on Mexico too.
Article written by angry Zionist to Anti-Zionist Jews. He himself mentions the plot is favored by NON-JEWS to restore Jerusalem. (Christians Shame on You)
Buffalo Jewish Review Buffalo, New York Friday, April 05, 1918
Open Letter to Rabbi Louis J. Kopald
This newspaper article tells how Jews were opposing Zionism, so the Zionists began throwing out the religious Jews… and replacing with Zionists, namely a Walter Lionel Rothschild to lead the revolt.
... a lengthy article from 1917, about the Zionist heresy... to be rid of Jewish leadership who opposed Zionism
Indianapolis Star Sunday, August 19, 1917
Zionism Changes Aspect of Jew
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President Woodrow Wilson writes … Article states those who oppose Zionism is to oppose official BRITISH POLICY -- to squash dissent.
The Eagle Bryan, Texas Saturday, November 16, 1918 Jewish Community Organizes Zionist Society
Zionism... a Christian Idea
“...Editorials: Christians saw fit to prophesy the restoration of Palestine and the Jewish State, but left to the Jew to accomplish it...”
Buffalo Jewish Review Feb 01, 1918
The American Israelite Cincinnati, Ohio Thursday, February 08, 1917
“…Propagators of Political Zionism in the United States, Are Addicted to the Grave Fallacy of Making the Term "Zionism" All Embracing and Inclusive as if it were a substitute for Judaism itself.”