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Here is a Russian game which must certainly be called a thing of beauty.
Viktor Kupreichik (white) vs. Gennadi Timoshchenko (black)
Viktor Kupreichik vs Gennadi Timoshchenko
URS (1968)
French Defense: Advance. Wade Variation (C02) 1-0
(a) The good solid 8. N-B2 apparently is not to White's wild tastes.
(b) Black doesn't care to wait while white builds a Q side attack.
(c) Not good but black was faced with 19. Q-B4 and 19. P-QR5 Q-B4, 20. R-B1, etc.
(d) If 22.—QxNP ch, 23. K-N1 and black is helpless against 24. R-R8ch e.g. 23. —N-N1, 24. R-R8 or 23. — N-R4, 24.P-N4, etc.
(e) Stifling all hope (24.— Q-B5ch). If now 24.—P-N3, 25. P-B7 Q-Q1, 26. Q-Q6 wins easily.
Annotations by J.A.C.
Finishing off a masterpiece. (White to move.)
White's crushing 27th in today's game.
If 27. — RxQch, 28. PxR wins or
if 27. — R-Q1, 28. R-R8ch K-B2, 29. Q-B5 mate.
FEN 2k1r3/1p1r3p/5P1p/RP1p4/1Q4BP/1P6/4KPP1/7q w - - 0 1