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There is really only one possible choice for this week's game, which gave Fischer a good start to his world title quarter-final match.
First match game, Vancouver 1971 King's Indian Defense.
29. Rc7 (White has fair play for his sacrificed pawn, and this is a bold attempt at a win rather than tacitly offering a draw by 29. B-K2 R-N2; 30. B-R6.)
36. Nd4? (This loses. 36. Q-N5 or 36. P-N4 would maintain attacking chances for White's sacrificed exchange.)
40. Bxe3 Re1 Resigns (The finish could be 41. B-QN5 N-K4 42. P-N4 P-Q5; 43. B-KR6 NxPch; 44. PxN NxPch and … NxB with an easy endgame win.