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…2,000 seats were sold for the first game at $5.00 each, so that a considerable revenue can be expected from that quarter, SOLELY for the Icelandic Federation. Their expenses, including their $125,000 prize, will amount to about $200,000. A PROFIT is expected as they also have 40 per cent of the TV and film rights, sold for a quarter million.
([PURE PROFIT... because where is that $200,000, the $125,000 prize money and accounting to organization expenditures being held, “In Escrow” by a trustworthy third party and certified public accountant?])
Fails to elaborate on the finicky, overbearing demands and complaints of European organizers who refused for months to sort out details before match. Belgrade's illegal demand of 35K USD "guarantee" refused by USCF! Australia's legal $225K bid snubbed by Russia, threatening they "would not play". USSR selecting Anti-American, Racist Iceland who restricted entry of blacks and news coverage. Schemes to disqualify Fischer and replace with Petrosian, etc.
Robert Fischer Boycotts Second Match in Protest Against Men Hired to Disruptively Operate Cameras
“At 11:58 P.M., two minutes before the deadline Cramer, handed a formal written protest to Schmid.” - Paul Marshall.
“instead of..video tape film that didn't make any noise they had guys with film cameras that were..all around..making a racket..and visually you could see them moving around.”- R.J. Fischer
“Under agreed rules of the match, [Fischer] had the right to object and to demand removal of the cameras if they disturbed him.” -Edmondson, USCF