The Los Angeles Times Chess by Herman Steiner Sunday, September 16, 1934 Los Angeles, California L.A. Times Problem No....
Posted by Bobby Fischer's True History on Tuesday, August 24, 2021
L.A. Times Problem No. 495 “The Chess Review” by E. Boswell. White mates in two.
FEN 8/8/4p3/3bb2K/Bp1r2p1/R2pP2p/2Pk1P1R/B1N3Q1 w - - 0 1
Key: R-R2/Ra2
The Los Angeles Times Chess by Herman Steiner Sunday, September 16, 1934 Los Angeles, California L.A. Times Problem No....
Posted by Bobby Fischer's True History on Tuesday, August 24, 2021
L.A. Times Problem No. 496 “The Chess Review” by Edward Haeniges. White mates in three.
FEN 7K/2Np4/p2k2p1/8/5PP1/2Q5/B6n/8 w - - 0 1
Key: B-N8/Bg8
1. B-N8, any; 2. N-Q5, any; 3. Q-B7 mate.
In this problem, the queen sacrifice in the first variant, resulting in a beautiful pure mate, is not easily seen. Consequently, the key-move is also hard to find, especially in view of the tempting try, N-Q5, which is defeated by NxP! This solution was submitted by M. Rudholm.
A selection of games from the masters' tourney follows:
Samuel Reshevsky vs Anthony Santasiere
Syracuse (1934), Syracuse, NY USA, rd 7, Aug-18
Gruenfeld Defense: Three Knights. Vienna Variation (D95) 1-0
Arthur William Dake vs Erling Tholfsen Syracuse (1934), Syracuse, NY USA, rd 8, Aug-18 Queen's Gambit Declined: Orthodox Defense. Rubinstein Attack (D64) 1-0
Erling Tholfsen vs Arnold Denker Syracuse (1934), Syracuse, NY USA, rd 7, Aug-18 King's Indian Defense: Normal. King's Knight Variation (E60) 1-0