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July 26, 1959 Los Angeles Times Chess by Isaac Kashdan

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Chess by Isaac KashdanChess by Isaac Kashdan 26 Jul 1959, Sun The Los Angeles Times (Los Angeles, California)

Chess By Isaac Kashdan
International Grandmaster

Four players remained unbeaten and untied after four rounds of the U.S. Open Chess Championship Tournament being contested at the Hotel Sheraton-Fontanelle in Omaha, Neb.
They were Hans Berliner of Littleton, Colo., who defeated Prof. Erich Marchand of Rochester, N.Y., in the fourth round; Arthur Bisguier of New York, winner over Curt Brasket of Rochester, Minn.; Anthony Saidy of New York, who defeated Olaf Ulvestad of Seattle, and a Puerto Rican teen-ager, Donato Rivera, who defeated William Carr of Omaha.
Two of the top favorites, former Hungarian master Paul Benko of New York and Elliott Hearst of Arlington, Va., played to a draw. Each has a score of 3½-½.
The tournament, which has eight more rounds to go, started with 133 entrants. George Koltanowski is the director. The following games are from the first round:

Pal Benko vs Anthony Cantone
60th US Open (1959), Omaha, NE USA, rd 1, Jul-20
Ponziani Opening: General (C44) 1-0

Alpen Gardner Murphy vs Robert Henry Steinmeyer
60th US Open (1959), Omaha, NE USA, rd 1, Jul-20
Sicilian Defense: Lasker-Pelikan. Exchange Variation (B33) 0-1

Robin Ault of Cranford, N.J., 17-year-old student at Columbia University in New York, is the new junior champion of the United States Chess Federation, according to a report from the New York Times.
Ault completed his schedule with a score of 7-2 after a week of play in the tournament in Omaha, Neb. He lost to defending champion Raymond Weinstein of Brooklyn in the seventh round, then defeated Gilbert Ramirez of San Francisco and Larry Gilden of Washington.
Ramirez equaled the winner's score but lost out on tie-breaking points. Weinstein and Gilden finished in a tie for third with tallies of 6½-2½. The tournament started with 40 entries from 14 states, two from Cuba and one each from the District of Columbia and Canada. California led with seven entries.

One of the major events in New York chess is the annual match between the Manhattan and Marshall Chess Clubs. Most of the star performers in American chess are on one team or the other.
The Manhattan team, which has won the large majority of the matches, was successful again to the tune of 7½-4½. Following are the detailed results and games from the event:

Manhattan CC
A. S. Bisguier         ½
S. Reshevsky          1
W. Lombardy            ½
P. Benko               ½
Dr. H. Sussman         ½
K. H. Burger           ½
G. Shainswit          1
I. A. Horowitz        1
A. Turner             0
W. J. Shipman          ½
P. Brandts             ½
M. R. Siegel          1
Marshall CC
E. Mednis              ½
H. Seidman            0
N. Bakos               ½
J. S. Sherwin          ½
R. Weinstein           ½
E. Hearst              ½
C. Pilnik             0
J. W. Collins         0
A. E. Santasiere      1
N. Halper              ½
A. Kaufman             ½
S. Margulies          0

Samuel Reshevsky (white) vs. Herbert Seidman (black)
English Opening: Anglo-Indian Defense, King's Indian Formation

1. P-QB4 N-KB3
2. N-KB3 P-KN3
3. P-KN3 B-N2
4. B-N2 O-O
5. O-O P-Q4
6. PxP QxP
7. P-Q4 P-B4
8. N-B3 Q-R4
9. PxP N-B3
10. B-N5 N-KN5
11. N-Q5 N-Q5
12. P-KR4 P-KR3
13. N-B4 NxBP
14. KxN Resigns
1. c4 Nf6
2. Nf3 g6
3. g3 Bg7
4. Bg2 0-0
5. 0-0 d5
6. cxd5 Qxd5
7. d4 c5
8. Nc3 Qh5
9. dxc5 Nc6
10. Bg5 Ng4
11. Nd5 Nd4
12. h4 h6
13. Nf4 Nxf2
14. Kxf2 1-0

Israel Albert Horowitz (white) vs John W Collins (black)
Queen's Indian Defense

1. P-Q4 N-KB3
2. P-QB4 P-K3
3. N-KB3 P-QN3
4. N-B3 B-N2
5. Q-B2 P-B4
6. PxP BxP
7. B-B4 N-B3
8. P-QR3 O-O
9. P-K3 P-QR4
10. R-Q N-K2
11. B-Q3 N-N3
12. B-N3 R-B
13. O-O N-R4
14. B-K4 B-R3
15. Q-R4 NxB
16. RPxN R-B2
17. N-QN5 BxN
18. QxB P-B4
19. B-B2 Q-K2
20. R-Q2 R-Q
21. KR-Q K-B2
22. B-R4 K-K
23. R-N R-N
24. P-QN4 PxP
25. PxP B-Q3
26. P-B5 B-K4
27. NxB NxN
28. PxP Resigns
1. d4 Nf6
2. c4 e6
3. Nf3 b6
4. Nc3 Bb7
5. Qc2 c5
6. dxc5 Bxc5
7. Bf4 Nc6
8. a3 0-0
9. e3 a5
10. Rd1 Ne7
11. Bd3 Ng6
12. Bg3 Rc8
13. 0-0 Nh5
14. Be4 Ba6
15. Qa4 Nxg3
16. hxg3 Rc7
17. Nb5 Bxb5
18. Qxb5 f5
19. Bc2 Qe7
20. Rd2 Rd8
21. Rd1 Kf7
22. Ba4 Ke8
23. Rb1 Rb8
24. b4 axb4
25. axb4 Bd6
26. c5 Be5
27. Nxe5 Nxe5
28. cxb6 1-0

The second annual open tournament of the Torrance Chess Club got under way with strong field of 26 players. In addition to the local entrants there are players from Los Angeles, Inglewood, Santa Monica and San Gabriel.
After two rounds J. Freed, R Harshbarger, L. Johnson and A. Troy were tied for the lead with 2-0 scores. J. Thompson and J. Titone followed with 1½-½. Rounds are scheduled Monday evening at El Nido Park Recreation Building, 184th and Kingsdale Ave., Torrance.
The Inglewood Chess Club, 621 N La Brea, announces that its annual open tournament will start Wednesday, Aug. 12. Swiss system pairings will be made at 7 p.m. and play begin at 7:30 p.m. For further information call tournament director Allan S. Troy at VE. 7-4689.
G. Rubin and T. Weinberger tied for first at 11-1 in the regular Tuesday evening rapid transit tournament at the Herman Steiner Chess Club, 108 N Formosa Ave. E. George, R. Rupeiks and F. Weiss finished with 9-3.

Bobby Fischer, 16-year-old U.S. chess champion, proved once again in the recently concluded Zurich tournament that he is one of the world's great masters of the game. He finished in a tie for third, and in his contests with Russian opponents he defeated Paul Keres and drew with Mikhail Tal, the tournament winner.
Fischer is one of the few players to have a plus score against the Russian grandmasters. In the Interzonal Tournament at Portoroz he drew his games against Tal, Petrosian, Averback and Bronstein.
Following is the Fischer-Keres game, a difficult endgame battle, and a victory for Svetozar Gligoric of Yugoslavia which helped earn him the second prize at Zurich.

Robert James Fischer (white) vs. Paul Keres (black)
Ruy Lopez: Morphy Defense, Chigorin Defense, Panov System

1. P-K4 P-K4
2. N-KB3 N-QB3
3. B-N5 P-QR3
4. B-R4 N-B3
5. O-O B-K2
6. R-K P-QN4
7. B-N3 O-O
8. P-B3 P-Q3
9. P-KR3 N-QR4
10. B-B2 P-B4
11. P-Q4 Q-B2
12. QN-Q2 BPxP
13. PxP B-N2
14. N-B QR-B
15. B-Q3 N-B3
16. N-K3 KR-K
17. N-B5 B-B
18. B-N5 N-Q2
19. R-QB Q-N
20. B-N NxP
21. N(3)xN RxR
22. BxR PxN
23. N-R6ch PxN
24. Q-N4ch K-R
25. QxN B-Q4
26. Q-B5 R-K4
27. Q-B3 P-B4
28. B-B4 R-K
29. Q-R5 BxKP
30. P-B3 B-B3
31. R-QB B-Q2
32. BxRP R-K3
33. BxB QxB
34. Q-R4 Q-B3
35. QxQch RxQ
36. K-B2 K-N2
37. R-B7 R-B2
38. K-K2 P-B5
39. R-R7 K-B3
40. RxP R-K2ch
41. K-B2 B-K3
42. RxP K-K4
43. R-B6 B-Q4
44. R-KR6 R-QB2
45. R-R5ch K-Q3
46. R-B5 R-B8
47. B-Q3 R-Q8
48. K-K2 R-KN8
49. R-N5 BxRP
50. BxNP R-N8
51. K-Q3 P-R3
52. R-R5 RxP
53. KxP RxP
54. RxPch K-K2
55. K-K4 R-N4
56. B-R6 B-B2
57. B-B8 R-N3
58. R-R7 K-B
59. B-N4 R-N2
60. R-R6 R-N3
61. RxR BxRch
62. KxP K-N2
63. K-N5 B-Q6
64. P-B4 B-K5
65. P-R4 B-Q6
66. P-R5 B-K5
67. P-R6ch K-R
68. B-B5 B-Q4
69. B-N6 B-K3
70. B-R5 K-R2
71. B-N4 B-B5
72. P-B5 B-B2
73. B-R5 B-B5
74. B-N6ch K-N
75. P-B6 Resigns
1. e4 e5
2. Nf3 Nc6
3. Bb5 a6
4. Ba4 Nf6
5. 0-0 Be7
6. Re1 b5
7. Bb3 0-0
8. c3 d6
9. h3 Na5
10. Bc2 c5
11. d4 Qc7
12. Nd2 cxd4
13. cxd4 Bb7
14. Nf1 Rac8
15. Bd3 Nc6
16. Ne3 Re8
17. Nf5 Bf8
18. Bg5 Nd7
19. Rc1 Qb8
20. Bb1 Nxd4
21. N3xd4 Rxc1
22. Bxc1 exd4
23. Nh6+ gxh6
24. Qg4+ Kh8
25. Qxd7 Bd5
26. Qf5 Re5
27. Qf3 f5
28. Bf4 Re8
29. Qh5 Bxe4
30. f3 Bc6
31. Rc1 Bd7
32. Bxh6 Re6
33. Bxf8 Qxf8
34. Qh4 Qf6
35. Qxf6+ Rxf6
36. Kf2 Kg7
37. Rc7 Rf7
38. Ke2 f4
39. Ra7 Kf6
40. Rxa6 Re7+
41. Kf2 Be6
42. Rxd6 Ke5
43. Rc6 Bd5
44. Rh6 Rc7
45. Rh5+ Kd6
46. Rf5 Rc1
47. Bd3 Rd1
48. Ke2 Rg1
49. Rg5 Bxa2
50. Bxb5 Rb1
51. Kd3 h6
52. Rh5 Rxb2
53. Kxd4 Rxg2
54. Rxh6+ Ke7
55. Ke4 Rg5
56. Ba6 Bf7
57. Bc8 Rg6
58. Rh7 Kf8
59. Bg4 Rg7
60. Rh6 Rg6
61. Rxg6 Bxg6+
62. Kxf4 Kg7
63. Kg5 Bd3
64. f4 Be4
65. h4 Bd3
66. h5 Be4
67. h6+ Kh8
68. Bf5 Bd5
69. Bg6 Be6
70. Bh5 Kh7
71. Bg4 Bc4
72. f5 Bf7
73. Bh5 Bc4
74. Bg6+ Kg8
75. f6 1-0

Mikhail Tal vs Svetozar Gligoric
Zuerich (1959), Zuerich SUI, rd 13, Jun-04
Spanish Game: Morphy Defense. Modern Steinitz Defense (C74) 0-1

Olanen (white) vs. Raisa (black)
Finnish Championship, 1959
King's Indian Defense: Four Pawns Attack

1. P-Q4 N-KB3
2. P-QB4 P-KN3
3. N-QB3 B-N2
4. P-K4 P-Q3
5. P-B4 O-O
6. N-B3 P-B4
7. PxP Q-R4
8. B-Q3 QxBP
9. Q-K2 N-B3
10. B-K3 Q-KR4
11. P-KR3 N-KN5
12. B-Q2 N-Q5
13. Q-B NxNch
14. QxN N-B3
15. QxQ NxQ
16. P-KN4 BxN
17. PxB N-B3
18. P-QB5 PxP
19. P-K5 N-Q4
20. B-K4 P-K3
21. P-B4 N-N5
22. B-K3 N-R3
23. R-QN R-N
24. R-N3 P-N3
25. R-R3 K-N2
26. K-K2 R-Q
27. P-B5 R-Q2
28. P-B6ch K-B
29. B-B6 R-Q
30. R-QN N-N5
31. RxN PxR
32. RxP P-R4
33. PxP PxP
34. B-Q2 RxBch
35. KxR K-N
36. K-B2 K-R2
37. B-K4ch K-R3
38. P-KR4 Resigns
1. d4 Nf6
2. c4 g6
3. Nc3 Bg7
4. e4 d6
5. f4 0-0
6. Nf3 c5
7. dxc5 Qa5
8. Bd3 Qxc5
9. Qe2 Nc6
10. Be3 Qh5
11. h3 Ng4
12. Bd2 Nd4
13. Qf1 Nxf3+
14. Qxf3 Nf6
15. Qxh5 Nxh5
16. g4 Bxc3
17. bxc3 Nf6
18. c5 dxc5
19. e5 Nd5
20. Be4 e6
21. c4 Nb4
22. Be3 Na6
23. Rb1 Rb8
24. Rb3 b6
25. Ra3 Kg7
26. Ke2 Rd8
27. f5 Rd7
28. f6+ Kf8
29. Bc6 Rd8
30. Rb1 Nb4
31. Rxb4 cxb4
32. Rxa7 h5
33. gxh5 gxh5
34. Bd2 Rxd2+
35. Kxd2 Kg8
36. Kc2 Kh7
37. Be4+ Kh6
38. h4 1-0

The Los Angeles Times, Chess by Isaac Kashdan, Sunday, July 26, 1959, Los Angeles, California Times Problem 3087 By C....

Posted by Bobby Fischer's True History on Sunday, June 5, 2022

Times Problem 3087 By C. Stanley
Black 9
White 11
White mates in two.
FEN 1KN5/1BR5/4r3/2P2p2/P1k1b2r/ppP3Q1/q3P1n1/2R2N2 w - - 0 1
Solution: Q-K3; 1. Qe3 Nxe3 2. Nxe3#

The Los Angeles Times, Chess by Isaac Kashdan, Sunday, July 26, 1959, Los Angeles, California Times Problem 3088 By F....

Posted by Bobby Fischer's True History on Sunday, June 5, 2022

Times Problem 3088 By F. Rduch
Black 8
White 9
White mates in three.
FEN 4K3/p5pp/1b2kp2/r2N1N2/1PP3R1/8/2BPpP2/8 w - - 0 1
Solution: P-B5; 1. c5 Ke5 2. Nde3 e1=R 3. Re4#

Lines are opened and closed in 3087, all in White's favor, of course. A good key and neat mating positions feature 3088.

Five points— W. S. Aaron, F. Aks, J. F. Brown, A. E. Byler, T. R. Carlton, C. Cresswell, J. R. Goodwin, J. Gotta, J. Kaufman, M. Rosen, A. A. Rothstein, P. M. Verdugo.
Two points— Dr. B. R. Berglund, D. Bevill, T. Bolt, L. G. Bulaich, R. B. Calkins, P. C. Carton, M. Chutorian, J. D. Frierson, P. Gullett, H. Holmes, N. Lesser, R. S. North Jr., C. E. Stern, A. Szendrey, Maj. H. Triwush, S. H. Trotter.
One point— R. Baldinger, P. DeVilmonin, J. P. Foley, F. McGuinness, P. Millar, F. R. Ruehl II, D. Whorf.

Chess Play Set for WednesdaysChess Play Set for Wednesdays 26 Jul 1959, Sun The Los Angeles Times (Los Angeles, California)

Chess Play Set for Wednesdays
GLENDALE — Round robin play of the Glendale Chess Club will continue each Wednesday until further notice, according to Jack Beardsly, new president of the YMCA-sponsored group.
Beardsley succeeds R. L. Bowen, whose term of office expired.
Other officers of the club, open to all 17 years of age or older, are Ely Neece, vice-president and H. H. Prugh, secretary.

Checker, Chess Tournament Winners NamedChecker, Chess Tournament Winners Named 26 Jul 1959, Sun The Los Angeles Times (Los Angeles, California)

Checker, Chess Tournament Winners Named
LAWNDALE — Winners of the summer checker and chess tournaments at Alondra Park, sponsored by the Los Angeles County Department of Parks & Recreation have been announced.
Chess winners are Gerald Chandler, Alan Chandler, Bill Granoff, Dickey Granoff, Larry Lepore and Ralph Lepore.
Checker winners include Gerald Chandler, Alan Chandler, Bill Granoff, Lyle Borchert and Ralph Lepore.

Recommended Books

Understanding Chess by William Lombardy Chess Duels, My Games with the World Champions, by Yasser Seirawan No Regrets: Fischer-Spassky 1992, by Yasser Seirawan Chess Fundamentals, by Jose Capablanca Bobby Fischer Teaches Chess, by Bobby Fischer My 60 Memorable Games, by Bobby Fischer Bobby Fischer Games of Chess, by Bobby Fischer The Modern Chess Self Tutor, by David Bronstein Russians versus Fischer, by Mikhail Tal, Plisetsky, Taimanov, et al

'til the world understands why Robert J. Fischer criticised the U.S./British and Russian military industry imperial alliance and their own Israeli Apartheid. Sarah Wilkinson explains:

Bobby Fischer, First Amendment, Freedom of Speech
What a sad story Fischer was,” typed a racist, pro-imperialist colonial troll who supports mega-corporation entities over human rights, police state policies & white supremacy.
To which I replied: “Really? I think he [Bob Fischer] stood up to the broken system of corruption and raised awareness! Whether on the Palestinian/Israel-British-U.S. Imperial Apartheid scam, the Bush wars of ‘7 countries in 5 years,’ illegally, unconstitutionally which constituted mass xenocide or his run in with police brutality in Pasadena, California-- right here in the U.S., police run rampant over the Constitution of the U.S., on oath they swore to uphold, but when Americans don't know the law, and the cops either don't know or worse, “don't care” -- then I think that's pretty darn “sad”. I think Mr. Fischer held out and fought the good fight, steadfast til the day he died, and may he Rest In Peace.
Educate yourself about U.S./State Laws --
After which the troll posted a string of profanities, confirming there was never any genuine sentiment of “compassion” for Mr. Fischer, rather an intent to inflict further defamatory remarks.

This ongoing work is a tribute to the life and accomplishments of Robert “Bobby” Fischer who passionately loved and studied chess history. May his life continue to inspire many other future generations of chess enthusiasts and kibitzers, alike.

Robert J. Fischer, Kid Chess Wizard 1956March 9, 1943 - January 17, 2008

The photograph of Bobby Fischer (above) from the March 02, 1956 The Tampa Times was discovered by Sharon Mooney (Bobby Fischer Newspaper Archive editor) on February 01, 2018 while gathering research materials for this ongoing newspaper archive project. Along with lost games now being translated into Algebraic notation and extractions from over two centuries of newspapers, it is but one of the many lost treasures to be found in the pages of old newspapers since our social media presence was first established November 11, 2017.

Special Thanks