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December 17, 1932 Chess Games-Problems by Paul L. Cromelin, The Daily Argus, Mount Vernon, N.Y.

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ChessChess 17 Dec 1932, Sat Mount Vernon Argus (White Plains, New York)

OCR Text

CHESS I Games-— Problems By Paul L Cromelin ’ “MORPHY GLEANINGS” This latest output from the tireless pen of-Philip W Sergeant supplements- the three editions of “Morphy’s Games of Chess’’ by the same author It presents all the additional material of a biographical nature that has come to light since 1916 about the meteoric American master and includes in the section on games three hitherto unpublished scores Styles in the play-of -the kingly game: change This statement is amply supported by a glance at the index page of “Morphy Gleanings” Here we find that of the 36 games listed as Morphy's the Evans Gambit -is essayed eleven times the Queen's Gambit once In the latest international tournament London 1932 in which a total of 66 games were played the Queen’s Pawn opened 37 encounters the Evans Gambit being entirely ignored Yet to the amateur a study of Morphy’s methods of play would be more beneficial than an equal amount of time spent on the closed game of the modern master who strives for - positional advantage sufficient to win The late Richard Reti has stated that “A knowledge of combination is- the foundation of position play” With this in mind we can unhesitatingly recommend the games in “Morphy Gleanings” as a foundation for developing a knowledge of combination.
In addition to the games played by:: Morphy 15 games between MacDonnall and Labourdonnais are included These were annotated by Morphy during the year that he was editor of the chess column on the N Y Ledger 1859-60 In an even more complete biography of the American master Sergeant definitely puts an end to the rumors that chess brought about the insanity that touched him in later life He also completes all that has been written on the vain efforts of the American champion to play Staunton the British champion in a match to determine the World’s Championship ' “Morphy Gleanings” will surely be a welcome addition to the all too limited pages that have been written about the greatest chess player that America and perhaps the world has ever known Published by The David McKay Co Philadelphia Pa Price $250 The deciding game in the countyleague match between Mount Vernon and Rye was adjudicated a win for Ceruzzi of Rye this decision resulting in a drawn match between the two teams.
The match was played at the Mount Vernon Chess Club on the 9th and the point score was given in the “Chess” last Saturday A game from the match Mount -Vernon nnd Rye t VIENNA-(IAMB between Mr -Geo B Webster Rye White 1 — K4 2 N— QB3 3 r—Q R3 4 — R3 5 x— B3 6 B— N5 7 P— QN4 8 B—N2 9 BxB 10 Q— K2 11 Castles K 12 xN 13 KU-Q 14 P— N3 15 B— Q3 16 B—Q3 17 Q— K3- 18 B— B4cb 19 Q— K4 20 QxB 31 QxKNP 22 B— K2 23 R— KB 24 B— Q 25 P— B3 Arthur S Meyer Mount Vernon Black 1 — K4 2 X — KB3 3 N— B3 4 B— 134 5 r— Q3 6 Castles 7 B— Q5 8 BxN 9 NxK 10 B— Bl 11 NxB 12 x — K2 13 N — N3 14 BxR 15 — KB4 16 b— N’5 17 — -B5 IS K— R 19 BxN 20 PxP 21 R— B5 22 Q — B3 23 R — KB 24 Q— K2 25 QR— B4 26 p— R5 27 rx 26 R— N 27 Q— R3 28 R(N)— B2 9 O T Al-1 A score from the Championship Tournament now in progress at the Mount Vernon Chess Club QUEEN’S GAMBIT4 DECLINED BRENNE1S HACKER WHITE BEACH 1 r—Q4 1 — Q4 2 N— KB3 2 B— B4 3 — B4 3 P— K3 4 N— 133 4 N— KB3 6 13— -N 5 5 QN — Q2? PxP 6 — KR3 7 PxP 7 PxP 8 B — R4 8 B — K2 9 P— K3 9 N — N3 10 B— Q3 10 Castles 11 N— K5 11 Q — K 12 Castlee 12 QN— Q2 13 P— KR3 13 NxN 14 BxB " 14 xl3 15 PxN 15 N— -R2 16 BxB 16 QxB 17 P— B4 17 Q— RS 18 Q— N3cb 18 K — R 19 N— NS - 19 P — KN4 20 QR-KT 20 — NS 21 P— K4 21 R— KN 22 I— R3 22 — N7 23 K— N 23 xP 24 RxP 24 N— N4 25 xN 25 QxR 26 Q— QB3 26 RxP 27 -R— K 27 Q— B3 28 QxQ 28 xQ 29 NxP 29 IX— Q! 30 P— K6 30 R— K4 31 R— QB 31 R— Q7 32 R-KR 32 R — K7 33 Resigns A short game from the Secondary Tournament at the Mount Vernon Chess Club TWO JiMOHTS DEENSE BRADBURY ROTHENBERG WHITE BLACK 1 — K4 1 P— K4 2 N— KBS 2 N— QB3- 3 B — B4 3 N — B3 4 Castles 4 NxP 5 — Qi 5 PxP 6 NxP 6 NxN 7 QxN 7 N— KBS S B— KN5 S B— K2 9 BxN 9 BxB 10 R — Kch 10 K— B 11 Q— Q5 11 Q— K2 12 RxQ ' 12 KxR 13 QxPch 13 K — Q 14 N— QBS 14 P— Q3 15 N — Q5 15 K — K? 16 QxBP mate The first meeting of the Metropolitan Chess League will be held at the Marshall Chess Club on Tuesday December 20 according to an announcement by Horace Ransom Bigelow Secretary of the League.
Plans for the coming season will be discussed and a date will be set for the commencement of the annual matches between the various chess clubs in the metropolitan area An invitation to join the Metropolitan League has been extended to the Mount Vernon Chess Club but it is doubtful whether it will be accepted this year The prevailing opinion at the local club seems to indicate that more seasoning is in order before tackling the tough opposition that New York City affords MARSHALL CHESS COLLEGE rank James Marshall King of American Chess announces that the second series of a course of instruction in the principles of the game began at the Marshall Chess Club 23 West 10th Street New York City last Thursday The instruction at this first of American Chess Colleges is divided into two groups one for advanced players and the other for beginners Classes are held every Thursday night at the Marshall Club and eight consecutive weeks of teaching comprises the curriculum The charge is $15 Twenty-five students completed the first class in the 'chess college and so far the registration in the second group comprises an equally large number Reuben ine with a score of 10-1 in the tournament for the championship of the Marshall Chess Club is so far in the lead that he can not be headed off Two rounds remain to be played but ine is already the champion A Kevitz is second with a score of 7—3 one of his games that with Erling Tholfsen being adjourned in a very difficult position R Smirka and D Poliand are tied in the next position with scores of 6’6 — 4’6 Tholfsen’s total is 6—4 In the “A” Tournament M Hammermesh is in the lead with 7— 216: Dr Slater second with 7 — 2 one game adjourned and D McClellan is third with 6 — 4.
In the “B” Tournament A Vislocky is in the lead with a score of 6'6 — 1’6 Ben W McCready former Mount Vernonite and member of the old Mount Vernon Chess Club is hot on his trail with a total of 5 — 2 and E Mole is in third place with a tally of 5 — 1 ’MANHATTAN CHESS CLUB At the conclusion of the seventh round in the Championship Tournament at the Manhattan Chess Club Alamao Hotel New York City Abraham Kupchik former club champion is leading with a score of 516 — 1’6 The point scores of the other contestants is as follows: R Willman 5 — 1 game with Pincus adjourned D MacMurrav 5—2 A S Denker 416—216 I Horowitz and E Schwartz 4 — 3 A S Pincus 2'j — 3'6 I Kashdan 216 — 4’6 two of his losses being forfeits R Bornholz E S Jack-son Jr and O Tenner 2 — 5 W P vs Y J C C The first match between the White Plains Chess Club and the Yonkers Jewish Community Center Chess Club in the Westchester County League Series was held at the Mount Vernon Chess Club last Wednesday and was concluded without a definite decision Of the five players who took part on each team only three completed their games the score DECEMBER 25 jH Give Your Ladies DANIEL GREEN Leisure Slippers j— 9? if watch the Black — 7 pieces IS IN Chess Club Chess Club by a score White — 8 pieces White Mates in Two Sohihnnn must be hi the Daily Argne office hr the second Wednesday following publication The theme Mill bo described two weeks after publication v' 7 Arthur S Meyer 1 Wj 0 Max Hacker 0 Spork-Milton Krieger 1 K Ad-Paul L Cromelin 1 K 9 PROBLEM NO 13 by G W M November 1913 standing 2 — 1 in favor of White Plains.
The other two’ games were adjourned and the positions will be judged as to result by Judge Max Hacker and Doctor Judge Anthony A Blasi vw Results in the first round of the championship tournament at the Mount Vernon Chess Club: Blasi 1 Stevens 0 Brenneis 0 Hacker 1 Cromelin 0 Krieger 1 In the secondard tournament the scores are Bradbury 1 Rothenberg 0 Dwyer 1 Casagrande 0 Davids 0 Murphy 1 and Scholder 0 Aceto 1 The second round in each group will begin tonight at the club Spec tators are invited toPlay The Mount Vernon defeated the Holsatia of Yonkers last night of three to two giving the Mount Vernon club a score of 1 1-2 — 1-2 from the two matches played Mount Vernon played the White pieces on the first third' and fifth boards listed and the local player is listed first in the pairings that follow: Abrecht man 1 ler f) : Schmidt 0 rank H oley 0 W Stach 1 Wednesday night the weekly match will be played with the Jewish Community Center C C in Yonkers Problem Department Problem No 11 by W A Shtokman concerned itself with the theme of a King Key which permits check The notation: 5 b 2 7 r 5 p 2 8 1 B 1 P 3 Q 5 K 2 3 N B P 2 4 k 3 The Key Move is 1 K-K3 with the threat of 2 N-B3 mate The two checking moves of the Black pieces also illustrate self-interference Correct solutions were received from A J Bastine J C A C Eckert and red Higgins rank Janet problem composer extraordinary has a Christmas present for the readers of "Chess” The problem which will be published Saturday Christmas Eve will extend “Holiday Greetings” to Gus Chess fan from the dean of present day composers We know you'll like it! ‘ t win.

Recommended Books

Understanding Chess by William Lombardy Chess Duels, My Games with the World Champions, by Yasser Seirawan No Regrets: Fischer-Spassky 1992, by Yasser Seirawan Chess Fundamentals, by Jose Capablanca Bobby Fischer Teaches Chess, by Bobby Fischer My 60 Memorable Games, by Bobby Fischer Bobby Fischer Games of Chess, by Bobby Fischer The Modern Chess Self Tutor, by David Bronstein Russians versus Fischer, by Mikhail Tal, Plisetsky, Taimanov, et al

'til the world understands why Robert J. Fischer criticised the U.S./British and Russian military industry imperial alliance and their own Israeli Apartheid. Sarah Wilkinson explains:

Bobby Fischer, First Amendment, Freedom of Speech
What a sad story Fischer was,” typed a racist, pro-imperialist colonial troll who supports mega-corporation entities over human rights, police state policies & white supremacy.
To which I replied: “Really? I think he [Bob Fischer] stood up to the broken system of corruption and raised awareness! Whether on the Palestinian/Israel-British-U.S. Imperial Apartheid scam, the Bush wars of ‘7 countries in 5 years,’ illegally, unconstitutionally which constituted mass xenocide or his run in with police brutality in Pasadena, California-- right here in the U.S., police run rampant over the Constitution of the U.S., on oath they swore to uphold, but when Americans don't know the law, and the cops either don't know or worse, “don't care” -- then I think that's pretty darn “sad”. I think Mr. Fischer held out and fought the good fight, steadfast til the day he died, and may he Rest In Peace.
Educate yourself about U.S./State Laws --
After which the troll posted a string of profanities, confirming there was never any genuine sentiment of “compassion” for Mr. Fischer, rather an intent to inflict further defamatory remarks.

This ongoing work is a tribute to the life and accomplishments of Robert “Bobby” Fischer who passionately loved and studied chess history. May his life continue to inspire many other future generations of chess enthusiasts and kibitzers, alike.

Robert J. Fischer, Kid Chess Wizard 1956March 9, 1943 - January 17, 2008

The photograph of Bobby Fischer (above) from the March 02, 1956 The Tampa Times was discovered by Sharon Mooney (Bobby Fischer Newspaper Archive editor) on February 01, 2018 while gathering research materials for this ongoing newspaper archive project. Along with lost games now being translated into Algebraic notation and extractions from over two centuries of newspapers, it is but one of the many lost treasures to be found in the pages of old newspapers since our social media presence was first established November 11, 2017.

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