Chess Chats by George Koltanowski Sunday, December 16, 1956 The Press Democrat Santa Rosa, California Problem No. 56 by...
Posted by Bobby Fischer's True History on Wednesday, February 12, 2020
Problem No. 56 by A. Daigle, England. White to play and mate in three moves.
FEN kb5Q/p7/P7/8/1p6/1R6/1P4p1/6K1 w - - 0 1
Solution: 1. Rh3 b3 2. Rh1 gxh1=Q+ 3. Qxh1#
Played in New York Recently
Jose M. Calderon (white) Frank Bacchetti (black)
Blackmar-Diemer Gambit
(a) There is no way of avoiding mate without losing the queen for one minor piece!