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Hints for Beginners
- A sacrifice or capture which brings your King into position for a diverging attack by Queen Rook, Bishop or Knight. A double check is equally to be shunned.
- A sacrifice or capture which drives your King away from the defense of a piece by proximity.
The maxim applies to any piece, but in the openings it is generally the King that is aimed at through the KB pawn which he alone defends. The sacrifice alluded to is, of course, your opponent's, the capture yours.
Bobby, The Formidable
Played in the second round in the Inter-Zonal at Palma de Mallorca.
Notes from the Kibitzers' Room
1. c4 g6 2. Nc3 Bg7 3. g3 c5 4. Bg2 Nc6 5. b3(a) e6 6. Bb2 Nge7 7. Na4(b) Bxb2 8. Nxb2 O-O 9. e3 d5 10. cxd5 Nxd5 11. Ne2 b6 12. d4(c) Ba6 13. dxc5 Qf6(d) 14. Nc4(e) Nc3 15. Nxc3(f) Qxc3+ 16. Kf1(g) Rfd8(h) 17. Qc1 Bxc4+ 18. bxc4 Qd3+ 19. Kg1 Rac8 20. cxb6 axb6 21. Qb2(i) Na5 22. h4 Nxc4 23. Qf6(j) Qf5 24. Qxf5 gxf5 25. h5(k) Rd2 26. Rc1 Rc5 27. Rh4 Ne5 28. Rxc5 bxc5 29. Ra4 c4(l) 30. h6 Kf8(m) 31. Ra8+ Ke7 32. Rc8 Rxa2 33. Bf1(n) Rc2 34. Kg2(o) Ng4 35. Kg1(p) Rxf2 36. Bxc4(r) Rf3 37. Kg2 Rxe3 38. Rh8 Nxh6 39. Rxh7 Ng4 40. Bb5 Rb3 41. Bc6 Rb2+ 42. Kg1 Ne5 43. Ba8 Rb8 44. Bh1 0-1
(a) With 5. N-B3 it would have been identical to the two played recently in Buenos Aires and in which Smyslov found himself in serious trouble. Here he tries a different place.
(b)Smyslov though that with the exchange of Bishops he would have the advantage. If 7. N-B3, O-O; (Buenos Aires, 1970) 8. N-QR4, Fischer played 8. … P-K4, as after 9. NxBP R-K5; 10. BxB RxN wins material.
(c) After 12. O-O B-QR3 would stop White from playing P-K4. But opening lines with the King in the center is almost always dangerous.
(d) Sacrifice a pawn for initiative.
(e) Hopes to neutralize the threats of the Bishop on QR6.
(f) If 15. Q-B1 NxN; 16. KxN QR-B1; and if now 17. PxP N-K4; 18. P-N7 RxN; 19. PxR BxPch with a winning attack.
(g) Must seek refuge. If 16. N-Q2 N-5 etc.
(h) Pawns have no value to Fischer at the moment. It is interesting to note that he keeps he “attacked” Rook for Q-B1.
(i) Seek counter-play.
(j) White has P-R5 in mind, but off go the Queens. Fischer's Rooks are better placed.
(k) After 25. K-R2 there follows R-Q7.
(l) The passed pawn and the poor position of the White King give Fischer a quick win.
(m) Mate was threatened.
(n) If 33. P-B4 N-N5; 34. RxBP RxBch.
(o) Time trouble.
(p) If he takes the pawn, then NxPch.
(r) If now 36. RxP RxBch; 37. KxR NxPch, etc.
Vasily Smyslov vs Robert James Fischer Palma de Mallorca Interzonal (1970), Palma de Mallorca ESP, rd 2, Nov-10 English Opening: Symmetrical. Symmetrical Variation (A36) 0-1 https://www.chessgames.com/perl/chessgame?gid=1044695
The solution to the problem above is 1. N-K4.