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Record Bids In World Championship Match
The latest issue of the Swiss periodical, “Chess Express,” reports the Dr. Max Euwe, president of the International Chess Federation (FIDE), has received offers totalling a million and a quarter dollars from 11 countries bidding for the privilege of holding the world championship match between Boris Spassky, USSR, and contender, Bobby Fischer, U.S.A. Several have increased their bids from earlier reports, which makes it sound more like an auction than one of final sealed bids. Here is the current list […] The bids will be forwarded to the two players who must draw up a list of preferences before the end of January. It is known that Fischer prefers Argentina, with a start not before the end of June. Spassky's wishes are unknown. However, if agreement cannot be reached between the principals then Dr. Euwe will decide on the venue. Never before in the history of the title match, or any chess event, has so much interest, emotion, or money, been stirred up. Fischer's personality and achievements in rising to the top in his 15 years of international competition has had a lot to do with it, but the interest in the east-west confrontation angle is far from minimal.