The Guardian, Chess, Thursday, January 29, 1959, Greater London, England Problem No. 510 By A. H. Goulty (Bowdon) White...
Posted by Bobby Fischer's True History on Thursday, May 5, 2022
PROBLEM No. 510 By A. H. Goulty (Bowdon)
Black (8)
White (8)
White mates in two moves.
FEN 3n1N2/1N6/5pQ1/3pp3/2pkP2R/R2pq3/8/3K2B1 w - - 0 1
Solution: 1. Qg7 Nxb7 2. Ne6#
The U.S. championship
It is one thing for an underestimated young player to put up a single outstanding performance, quite another for him to repeat it when all his opponents are making an extra effort. Yet Bobby Fischer, aged 15, has done so in retaining the United States championship without loss of a game. Among the also-rans were Reshevsky, who is often regarded as the world's best grandmaster outside Russia, and Benko, who is, like Fischer one of the last eight in the world title eliminating tournament. The result in New York indicates that Fischer ought to put up a good showing this autumn against Smyslov, Tal, and company. His best wins were in long endings, so here is another all-grandmaster game from the tournament.
Larry Evans vs Arthur Bisguier
US Championship (1958/59), New York, NY USA, rd 9, Dec-30
Russian Game: Kaufmann Attack (C42) 1-0
1. Currently, 3 P-Q4 is regarded as giving better chances for the initiative.
2. Kaufman's variation, which is now rarely seen. Like all little-played openings, its sting lies in its surprise.
3. Black is too ambitious. Sounder is 5. … B-K2.
4. After this loss of time, Black's troubles increase. 6. … NxN; 7. QPxN P-QB3 would still lead to a harmless position.
5. This quiet development increases the looseness of Black's position. If now 9. … B-K3; 10. O-O QPxP; 11. BxP BxB; 12. QxQB NxN; 13. R-K1ch.
6. Forced, but very strong.
7. White is virtually two tempi ahead, so it is not surprising that other continuations are also inadequate. If 10. … BxN; 11. PxB QxBP (NxQBP; 12. B-Q2); 12. QxQ NxQ; 13. R-K1ch B-K3; 14. B-Q2 PxBP; 15. BxN PxB; 16. P-Q5. If 10. … PxQP; 11. QNxP, with great advantage to White.
8. If 12. … B-QN5; 13. P-QR3
9. The best of a bad job. If 13. … B-K3; 14. PxQP B-B6; 15. PxB BxR; 16. QxP O-O; 17. QxR B-N5; 18. Q-K4 with an overwhelming attack.
10. If 14. … PxBP; 15. BxBP PxP; 16. QxQP N-B3; 17. Q-Q6ch K-N1; 18. N-N5.
11. And now 15. QxQP; falls to 16. Q-N4ch
12. There is no immediate combination, so White proceeds to eliminate Black's best defensive piece. Since Black is playing virtually a rook down, the rule that exchanges benefit the defender does not apply here.
13. Black has no option but to grab and hope for the best, for otherwise comes 22. R-QB1 followed by R-B7.
14. The only square; for if 23. … Q-Q5; 24. Q-N8ch B-K1; 25. B-B6.
15. This loses at once, but Black's position is very difficult. The best chance is to make a flight for the king by 25. … P-KN3; after which a plausible line is 26. QxP C P; 27. Q-N4ch K-N2; 28. Q-Q4ch P-B3; 29. B-Q5 Q-R6; 30. R-R1 Q-Q3; 31. R-R7ch K-B1; 32. Q-K3 P-R4; 33. P-R4 Q-N5; 34. B-N3 Q-Q3; 35. Q-QB3 Q-K4; 36. Q-B4 and wins.
16. A pretty finish. 27. … QxQ 28. RxB mate.
The annual knock-out competition for the Battle of Britain tournament is organized by Mr P. M. Shaw, 26 Montrose Road, Wealdstone, Middlesex. Anybody can enter (fee 5s), although games are played in the Greater London area. Last year there were 178 entries.
Russian championship
In the Russian chess championship now in progress the leaders with 8 rounds to go are Taimanov 7½ out of 11, Spassky 7 out of 10. Lutikov 7 out of 11. Petrosian 6½ out of 9, Tal 6½ out of 10. Among the also-rans are Bronstein and Keres. Botvinnik and Smyslov are not competing. Tal, the champion, has lost to two unknowns. Yuchtman and Gufeld.