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Chess and Chessmen
By Kell C. Terry Jr.
Registration for the Cowtown Open chess tournament will be open until 9 a.m. June 4. In last week's column I stated that it would be open until noon, but in response to many requests, the registration has been changed to allow more time for the three rounds of play June 4. For additional information, write to chess editor, Fort Worth Star-Telegram.
The Fort Worth Chess League will meet at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday at the Hilton Hotel. Please bring chess sets and boards. All interested chess players are invited to attend league meetings and see the entertainment advantages offered by organized competitive play.
In the Mar del Plata chess tournament in Argentina, Bobby Fischer, was second Friday with a score of 12½-1½ behind Boris Spassky of the Soviet Union, who had a score of 13-1.
Postal Chess: Address all questions concerning chess, answers to problems or first moves.
Problem No. 41.
FEN 1q2kbr/4rp1p/p7/8/1p6/5Q2/PPP3PP/R4R1K w - - 0 1
White to move. What is the best move?
Game of the Week.
This game was won by William Jarnagan from International Master William Lombardy in a 47-board simultaneous exhibition in Boston. Lombardy lost only two other games and those to rated masters. Jarnagan, one of Fort Worth's stronger players, has performed creditable feat in conquering one of America's strongest chess masters.
William Lombardy (white) vs. William Jarnagan (black)
Petrov's Defense