Chess Corner
By T. M. Cherington, Chess Editor
There is little chance that the world championship match will run the full course of 24 games, for challenger Mikhail Tahl has retained his three game lead into the last week of play.
Champion Mikhail Botvinnik has just a few days remaining of his 12-year tenure of the purple. He had a brief fall from grace when Vassily Smyslov wrested the globe and scepter from him, only to relinquish it a year later. Tahl, a 24-year-old Latvian, will be a colorful title-holder.
Clubs Backing Tourney
The resurgence of chess in the Argentine, which got its original impetus in the '30s with the influx of European masters such as Stahlberg, Wexler, Eliskases, Pilnik, Rossetto, Frydman, Becker and Bolbochan, is kept fresh and green with a plethora of master tournaments financed in the main by the clubs.
These organizations have considerable influence in government circles. For example, the tourney in Buenos Aires beginning June 10 in celebration of the 150th anniversary of the Republic has been granted $10,000 by the state to help defray expenses.
Nine Nations Invited
Invitations have been extended to nine nations to send their masters with travel and living expenses guaranteed. If they are accepted, the playing roster will include Fischer and Lombardy of the U.S.; Smyslov, Petrosian, Botvinnik and Tahl of Russia; Gligoric of Yugoslavia; Szabo of Hungary; Larsen of Denmark, Pachmann of Czechoslovakia; Olafsson of Iceland; Uhlmann of West Germany and Unzicker of East Germany, a line up of the world's finest talent.
Substantial cash prizes will supplement the honors. These frequent top tourneys will of course, stimulate chess interest throughout the Pampas and we may reasonably expect the youth of Argentina to respond.
Number 328
FEN 3N4/B6R/8/3k4/8/8/3N4/7K w - - 0 1
White to play, mate in three moves.
T. Henderson is composer of 328, a three-mover. He centered the doomed Black King. Attacking from the Periphery for White are King, Rook, Bishop and Dual Knights.
1. Rf7 Kd6 2. Bd4 Kd5 3. Rd7#
1. Rf7 Ke5 2. Bc5 Kd5 3. Rf5#
Solution to number 327 is Knight to Queen two.