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Chess With Sam Laird
City Team Sparkles In S. Jersey League
(At the request of readers, this column is being resumed. However, at least for the time being it will appear only every other week instead of weekly. It will also appear on Wednesdays instead of Thursdays.)
Camden City Chess Club is making a good showing in the South Jersey Chess Association's annual team competition.
Atlantic City is leading the league at present but Camden is running a good second in the seven-team circuit. Camden has the distinction of having beaten the strong Moorestown-RCA team, 4 to 1. Chressanthis of Moorestown was victorious over Camden's Ed Carlson at No. 1 board, but Drago, Bill O'Donnell, Shindle and Kaimowitz scored for Camden at the other four tables over Selvaggi, Tanner, Ravic and Cantafio.
Bobby Fischer has won the U.S. championship for the third year in a row. The Brooklyn schoolboy's triumph is not so surprising as the fact that Samuel Reshevsky lost two games and finished third behind Robert Byrne.
Fischer won 7 games and drew 4. Byrne, who like Fischer was undefeated, won 5 and drew 6. Following in order were Reshevsky, Benko, Bisguier, Weinstein, Seidman, Sherwin, Mednis, Bernstein, Denker and Ault (who lost all 11 of his games).
Byrne's fine showing was unexpected and may earn him a match with Fischer, whom he drew when they met although many observers felt he should have won. Reshevsky lost to both Seidman and Denker and evidently is past his peak. The score of his game with Seidman is appended.
Elizabeth Bykova of Moscow retained her women's world championship in a match with Kira Zvorkina, 8½ to 4½.
Mikhail Tal, young Latvian who won the recent challenger's tourney and will play Mikhail Botvinnik for the world's title starting in March, must have been taking it easy in the 14-player tournament of Baltic Sea masters held at Riga last month. He finished fourth with Boris Spassky the winner. Despite his showing in this event, Tal probably will be favored to win Botvinnik's title.
Herbert Seidman vs Samuel Reshevsky
United States Championship (1959/60), New York, NY USA, rd 4, Dec-22
Sicilian Defense: Najdorf. Amsterdam Variation (B93) 1-0