Express Problem No. 21 by Paul Morphy (Chess Players Chronicle 1871) Supposed to be this illustrious player's only...
Posted by Bobby Fischer's True History on Tuesday, January 14, 2020
Express Problem No. 21 by Paul Morphy (Chess Players Chronicle 1871)
Supposed to be this illustrious player's only problem.
White mates in two moves.
FEN kbK5/pp6/1P6/8/8/8/R7/8 w - - 0 1
Solution: 1. Ra6 bxa6 2. b7#
Express Problem No. 22 by Charles E. Richardson, Los Angeles
White mates in 2½ moves.
FEN kbK5/pp6/1P6/8/8/8/R7/8 w - - 0 1
Solution: 1. Ra6 bxa6 2. b7#
The finals tournament at the Los Angeles Chess Club for the 1922 club championship is well under way, the editor having withdrawn without playing a game, but E.R. Perry, the 1921 champion, after withdrawing early in the preliminaries, has been asked by the tournament committee to play in the finals, making an even dozen contestants, and the game below from the finals tournament shows he is still in his same old form.
Express Game No. 20, Giuoco Piano
D. G. Holt (white) vs. E. R. Perry (black)
Bishop's Opening: Boi Variation
“Another Bit of Morphy” is the title of a brief article, which appeared a few months ago in the Boston Chess Item by Franklin K. Young, editor of the Item, which article explains that the following game is said to have been played by the greatest of all chess players during a brief stay at Havana while en route to his home in New Orleans on his return from Europe in 1865, but that the game cannot be authenticated, that it bears earmarks of his style, and if not a genuine “Morphy” it is certainly a good imitation. Mr. Young states that suspicion may be attached to the appended game for the reason that the manner of playing the attack against the Two Knight Defense is diverse from the method commonly adopted by the illustrious American, but this variation is forceful and interesting of itself and well worthy of the close attention of the student. White is said to play without sight of the board or pieces.
Morphy (white) vs. Martinez (black)
Italian Game: Two Knights Defense, Max Lange Attack