Problem No. 961. Composed for the Pittsburgh Post by J.E. Funk, Altona, Manitoba Black 11 Pieces. White 10 Pieces. White...
Posted by Bobby Fischer's True History on Saturday, January 18, 2020
Problem No. 961. Composed for the Pittsburgh Post by J.E. Funk, Altona, Manitoba
Black 11 Pieces. White 10 Pieces. White mates in two moves.
FEN 2bK4/8/B1p1p1QB/2R1PN2/r2Pk2N/2p4p/2P1np1b/4n3 w - - 0 1
Solution: 1. Bd3+ Nxd3 2. Qg4+ Ndf4 3. Qf3#
Problem No. 962. Composed for the Pittsburgh Post by Dr. Gilbert Dobbs, Carrollton, Georgia. Black 9 Pieces. White 8...
Posted by Bobby Fischer's True History on Saturday, January 18, 2020
Problem No. 962. Composed for the Pittsburgh Post by Dr. Gilbert Dobbs, Carrollton, Georgia.
Black 9 Pieces. White 8 Pieces. White mates in two moves.
FEN 2b5/p4N2/r1P2P2/2Nk4/2R2n2/pQ4pq/K2bP3/8 w - - 0 1
Solution: 1. Ne6 Kxe6 2. Rxf4#
Problem No. 963. Composed for the Pittsburgh Post by Henry E. Funk, Altona, Manitoba. Black 8 Pieces. White 8 Pieces....
Posted by Bobby Fischer's True History on Saturday, January 18, 2020
Problem No. 963. Composed for the Pittsburgh Post by Henry E. Funk, Altona, Manitoba.
Black 8 Pieces. White 8 Pieces. White mates in two moves.
FEN 8/3p4/b6K/6Q1/2B1N3/3n4/1pNRrp1B/R1b2k2 w - - 0 1
Solution: 1. Qg4 bxa1=Q 2. Qh3#
Problem No. 964. Composed for the Pittsburgh Post by A. Mari, Genoa, Italy, Black 10 Pieces. White 10 Pieces. White...
Posted by Bobby Fischer's True History on Saturday, January 18, 2020
Problem No. 964. Composed for the Pittsburgh Post by A. Mari, Genoa, Italy.
Black 10 Pieces. White 10 Pieces. White mates in three moves.
FEN 1N3R2/b1q1k1P1/1NBnp1Pp/B3r3/3Qn3/6pb/8/4R1K1 w - - 0 1
Solution: 1. Bb4 Qd7 2. N8xd7 Rd5 3. Nc8#
Problem No. 965. Composed for the Pittsburgh Post by L. Friedlander, New York. Black 5 Pieces. White 6 Pieces. White...
Posted by Bobby Fischer's True History on Saturday, January 18, 2020
Problem No. 965. Composed for the Pittsburgh Post by L. Friedlander, New York.
Black 5 Pieces. White 6 Pieces. White mates in three moves.
FEN Q4B2/2N5/6P1/2p1kp1p/4p2P/8/8/K7 w - - 0 1
Solution: 1. Qa3 Kd4 2. Bg7+ Kc4 3. Qc3#
Problem No. 966. By Kenneth S. Howard, Rochester, N.Y. (Version of a tourney entry.) Black 7 Pieces. White 7 Pieces....
Posted by Bobby Fischer's True History on Saturday, January 18, 2020
Problem No. 966. By Kenneth S. Howard, Rochester, N.Y. (Version of a tourney entry.)
Black 7 Pieces. White 7 Pieces. White mates in three moves.
FEN Q7/5p2/1p1N3K/4k3/1Pp1N3/1bP4B/3p1p2/8 w - - 0 1
Solution: 1. Nf6 Kxd6 2. Qd8+ Kc6 3. Qd7#
Torre to Meet Janowski. Carlos Torre, who gave a successful exhibition of simultaneous play at the Providence Chess Club last Saturday is scheduled to meet David Janowski in an exhibition match game at the rooms of the Manhattan Chess Club next Saturday afternoon. It will probably be Janowski's last game with clocks in this country, inasmuch as he is due to return to France on the steamship La Bourdonnais on Tuesday. Torre, on the other hand, will be given an opportunity to match his wits against an expert, who, in his day, was ranked among the “grand-masters” of the world. Members of the Manhattan Chess Club are looking forward with interest to this treat.
Problem No. 967. Composed for the Pittsburgh Post by Maxwell Bukofzer, Woodside, L.I. Black 3 Pieces. White 10 Pieces....
Posted by Bobby Fischer's True History on Saturday, January 18, 2020
Problem No. 967. Composed for the Pittsburgh Post by Maxwell Bukofzer, Woodside, L.I.
Black 3 Pieces. White 10 Pieces. White mates in four moves.
FEN 4K3/2p4B/2P5/P3N3/P2k4/3p4/1P1B1P1R/8 w - - 0 1
Solution: 1. Kd7 Kxe5 2. Rh5+ Kd4 3. Bc3+ Kc4 4. Bg8#
Problem No. 969. Composed for the Pittsburgh Post by L. Noak, Breslau, Germany. Dedicated to A.C. White. Black 8 Pieces....
Posted by Bobby Fischer's True History on Saturday, January 18, 2020
Problem No. 969. Composed for the Pittsburgh Post by L. Noak, Breslau, Germany. Dedicated to A.C. White.
Black 8 Pieces. White 5 Pieces. Mate in four moves.
FEN R7/7R/2r2k2/8/4Bp2/1p1p1p2/5B1K/n2b4 w - - 0 1
Solution: 1. Ra5 b2 2. Bd4+ Ke6 3. Bf5+ Kd6 4. Rd7#
Problem No. 970. Composed for the Pittsburgh Post by W.I. Lourie, 2214 Guleta Avenue, Youngstown, 0. Black 8 Pieces....
Posted by Bobby Fischer's True History on Saturday, January 18, 2020
Problem No. 970. Composed for the Pittsburgh Post by W.I. Lourie, 2214 Guleta Avenue, Youngstown, 0.
Black 8 Pieces. White 13 Pieces. White mates in four moves.
FEN B4b1R/2R1p1p1/4P1P1/p1P5/p1k1Np2/P3pP2/1B2P1N1/6K1 w - - 0 1
Solution: 1. Rb7 Kd5 2. Rh5+ Kc4 3. Ng3 fxg3 4. Nxe3#
Chajes Showing the Way. Oscar Chajes, having won four games straight, is showing the way in the championship tournament at the L.L. Rice-Progressive Chess Club of Manhattan. Close behind are C. Jaffe and H. Steiner also has in hand an adjourned game with Berman. A. Kupchik comes next with 2-1.
Kupchik's first victory was achieved with his favorite Philidor Defense, his opponent being F. Barta.
Francis Bartha vs Abraham Kupchik
Rice-Progressive CC ch (1924), New York, NY USA
Philidor Defense: General (C41) 0-1
Good progress is being made in the class tournaments at the Marshall Chess Club. H. B. Sturrock is setting the pace in Class A with a score of 6½-2½. Lee, 2½-½, is also very much in the running. In Class C, it is a close thing between H. Weber, 4½-2½ and G. Emlen Roosevelt, 4-2. There are six players in this section and two full round will be contested.
Test for Vienna Opening.
Another test, this time of a variation in the Vienna Opening, is under way at the Marshall Chess Club, with the following entries: H.R. Bigelow, G. Gustafson, F. J. Marshall, C.E. Norwood, R. Smirks, Carlos Torre and E. Tholfsen. In order to be free to devote himself, as representative of City College, exclusively to the matches of the forthcoming tournament of the Intercollegiate Chess League. A.E. Santasiere withdrew his name, and Bigelow consented to take his place. The tournament will be for prizes donated by Alrick H. Man, president of the club.
In the first round, Marshall won from Gustafson and Tholfsen from Norwood. The game between Torre and Smirks was postponed, owing to the former's absence in New England. The scores:
Gustaf Adolf Gustafson vs Frank James Marshall
Dimock theme t (1924), New York, NY USA, rd 1, Dec-??
Vienna Game: Vienna Gambit. Main Line (C29) 0-1
Charles E Norwood vs Erling Tholfsen
Dimock theme t (1924), New York, NY USA, Dec-??
Vienna Game: Vienna Gambit. Main Line (C29) · 0-1