Express Problem No. 5, Dr. D. Elekes, Budapest,...
Posted by Bobby Fischer's True History on Monday, January 13, 2020
Express Problem No. 5, Dr. D. Elekes, Budapest, Hungary. This received commendation in the Good Companion Folder, August, 1921.
White mates in two moves.
FEN 8/8/8/7p/7P/6NQ/6pp/4K1k1 w - - 0 1
Solution: 1. Nf1 h1=Q 2. Qe3#
E. W. Grabill contributes the following game from the match which he recently won from Carl Bergman, who forfeited the match after five games had been played, because of ill health:
Ethelbert W. Grabill (white) vs. Carl Bergman (black)
Scotch Game: Schmidt Variation
Below is a game from the Greco Counter Gambit double round tourney, which started October 2 in New York City between Marshall, Jaffe, Bernstein and Forsberg.
Bruno Forsberg (white) vs. Frank Marshall (black)
Philidor Defense: Lopez Countergambit
Notes by S. Mlotkowski
(a) PxP is decidedly the best move here.
(b) P-Q4 is generally given as best. Steinitz thought the text as good and it may well be so.
(c) P-QR3 so as to allow a retreat for the Bishop, was better.
(d) Now N-R4 should have been played.
(e) Dangerous in view of White's advanced Pawns. N-B2 is an alternative.
(f) This loses immediately. White's threat was RxNch and Q-R. Q-K2 seems the only possible defense.
(g) A brilliant finish, particularly commendable as having been brought off against the American champion. The winner was formerly a well-known San Francisco player whose many friends, both there and here in Los Angeles, will be pleased at his success.