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The Gazette Montreal, Quebec, Quebec, Canada Saturday, January 09, 1971 Quiz No. 1023 J. Pregent vs. B. Ouimet 1970...
Posted by Bobby Fischer's True History on Thursday, April 16, 2020
Quiz No. 1023
J. Pregent vs. B. Ouimet
1970 Montreal Open.
Black to play and win.
FEN r5kr/1ppq4/1b1p1R2/pP1Pp1p1/P3P2N/3P2QP/3Bb2K/8 b - - 0 1
1. ... QxRPch!
2. KxQ RxNch
3. K-N2 R-N5 and will remain a piece up.
1. ... Qxh3+
2. Kxh3 Rxh4+
3. Kg2 Rg4
The Gazette Montreal, Quebec, Quebec, Canada Saturday, January 09, 1971 Problem No. 1229 by C. Mansfield. White mates...
Posted by Bobby Fischer's True History on Thursday, April 16, 2020
Problem No. 1229 by C. Mansfield. White mates in two moves.
FEN 1KR2Br1/3p1pN1/1p6/3kp2Q/R2N1r2/7p/6bq/1B4b1 w - - 0 1
L. Piasetski Wins Canadian Junior
Leon Piasetski, McGill student, won the First Canadian Junior Championship held at Hart House, University of Toronto, scoring 8-1 pts., in a picked field of ten from across Canada. He won seven games and drew with J. MacPhail, Ottawa, and C. Rosner, Winnipeg. McPhail scored 7-2, with draws also against Rosner, M. Rajagopal, Toronto, and B. Harper, Vancouver. Piasetski will be the official representative for Canada in the World Junior at Havana this summer.
Final Standing:
- Piasetski, L. (Montreal) … 8 -1
- MacPhail, J. (Ottawa) … 7 -2
- Berry, J. (Vancouver) … 5½-3½
- Rajagopal, M. (Toronto) … 5 -4
- Krotki, J. (Edmonton) … 4½-4½
- Matsi, P. (Toronto) … 4½-4½
- Harper, B. (Vancouver) … 3 -6
- Rosner, C. (Winnipeg) … 3 -6
- Jackson, B. (London) … 2½-6½
- Richardson, R. (Montreal) … 2 -7
Berry, MacPhail, Harper and Jackson are all young enough to be eligible for another try in 1972.
Finding a Canadian junior champion started back in 1950, when the Ch. Federation of Canada decided to send a representative to the first world junior championship to be organized at Birmingham in 1951. A match was arranged between two juniors, Lionel Joyner of Montreal, and Ross Siemms, of Toronto, both of whom had made their mark in senior competition. The match was played in Montreal and won by Joyner, who subsequently competed at Birmingham.
With the organization of the first Canadian Open at Montreal in 1956, and those which followed, it became the custom to recognize the top junior as the national champion. A not too convincing arrangement in a Swiss system tourney, especially when it was used to establish representation in the world junior. So the present development is an important improvement. Incidentally Piasetski is the first Montreal player to win the title since Joyner. Here is one of his games from the tourney.
Jonathan Berry (Vancouver) vs. L.D. Piasetski (Montreal)
Pirc Defense: Classical Variation, Quiet System, Parma Defense
(a) Useful only if Black obliges with 12. … PxP, which is hardly likely. White must prepare to counter-attack on the Q-side by 12. PxP, QPxP; 13. P-QB4
(b) Black has all the play now
(c) What else?
(d) 27. … N-B5ch looks natural but the text works out well.
(e) If 28. NxNP N-B4; 29. R-R3 B-R5.
1970 Olympiad Preliminary Group 3
Yukio Miyasaki vs Robert James Fischer
Siegen Olympiad qual-3 (1970), Siegen FRG, rd 2, Sep-06
Sicilian Defense: Najdorf Variation. English Attack (B90) 0-1