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White's King is exposed. Black to move, and he'll win. What is best? Answer below.
FEN K6R/1Pq2PPP/5Q1N/BpPP4/8/2p4p/1p1n1pp1/4rk2 b - - 0 1
Chess by Harold Dondis The Boston Globe Boston, Massachusetts Sunday, January 10, 1971 White's King is exposed. Black...
Posted by Bobby Fischer's True History on Thursday, April 16, 2020
(a) Risky and premature here.
(b) If 10 ... Q-N3; 11. NxP! wins. White has deferred the usual BxNch and puts the KB to good use.
(c) Peters says that 16. Q-Q5 N-R3; 17. N-B5! should win considering the exposed black king.
(d) All of a sudden white is lost, the threat is mate in two.
(e) Jeopardizing the win — 23. ...R-R1 24. P-KN3 RxBch; 25. PxR P-N6 wins surely.
(f) The win is still easy, black preys on the white Q's inability to leave her king e.g. 27. QxP R-Q7 wins!
Annotations by J.A.C.
Answer to Problem: The more efficient win in note (e) to black's 23rd move in the game.