Chess Chats by George Koltanowski Sunday, September 10, 1950 The Press Democrat Santa Rosa, California Ending by A.A....
Posted by Bobby Fischer's True History on Tuesday, April 7, 2020
Ending by A.A. Safomov. White to play and win.
FEN 8/3p4/8/5k2/3pq3/1Q1bp1PP/8/3B2K1 w - - 0 1
1. B-B3 QxB (forced)
2. Q-B7ch K-K5
3. Q-K8ch K-B4
4. Q-B8ch K-K5
5. Q-R8ch P-Q4
6. Q-K8ch K-B4
7. Q-B7ch K-K5
8. Q-K6 mate
Rather cute!
1. Bf3 Qxf3
2. Qf7+ Ke4
3. Qe8+ Kf5
4. Qf8+ Ke4
5. Qa8+ d5
6. Qe8+ Kf5
7. Qf7+ Ke4
8. Qe6#
Ray Martin, Santa Monica, wins California State Championship!
Here is the final score: Ray Martin, Santa Monica, 6 points; V. Pafnutieff, San Francisco, and George Croy, Los Angeles, 4 points each; Phil Smith, Bakersfield, 3½; C. Bagby, San Francisco and S. Almgren, Los Angeles, 3 points each; W. Steckel, Los Angeles, 2½; L. Boyette, San Francisco, 2.
Game played in the California State Championship, San Francisco, September 1950.
Vladimir Pafnutieff (white) vs. Phil Smith (black)
Grunfeld Defense
Unresolved Chess Game: Can you solve it?
6. … The old line of this important variation, which is coming back into tournament play. New life has been blown into this variation, by playing B-B4 and N-K2 for White, and not N-KB3, which permitted B-KN5 for Black, and attack on the center.