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Chess by Isaac Kashdan Sunday, July 4, 1971 The Los Angeles Times Los Angeles, California Times Problem 4080 by D.L....
Posted by Bobby Fischer's True History on Thursday, June 18, 2020
Times Problem 4080 by D.L. Brown. White mates in two. Today's problem was composed for The Times by David L. Brown of Rockford, Ill. There is a different mate for the moves of each of the black pawns, and a number of other variations as well.
FEN 1n6/2ppK2p/1Np2Rb1/1p2k1p1/R3pp2/8/3Q2N1/b7 w - - 0 1
Alan Grefe (white) vs. Gligoric (black)
Statham Tournament
Sicilian Defense: Scheveningen Variation, Keres Attack
As of 6/18/2020 game not found listed among the games of John Alan Grefe and Gligoric, or Lone Pine USA (Louis D. Statham Tournament)