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The Ottawa Journal Ottawa, Ontario, Canada Saturday, May 29, 1971 Problem by D.G. McIntyre. White mates in two...
Posted by Bobby Fischer's True History on Tuesday, June 2, 2020
Problem by D.G. McIntyre. White mates in two moves.
FEN 8/n1pK1p2/4prb1/Rn1kp1NQ/N1p4R/5rb1/5pq1/BB6 w - - 0 1
Taming The Russian Bear
With three wins in succession in his match with Mark Taimanov at Vancouver, American grandmaster Bobby Fischer might be charged with unnecessary cruelty in laying on the lash in teaching his somewhat clumsy pupil a few tricks. At any rate he has been granted a few days off to nurse his wounds. The 1st and 3rd encounters are given below.
Scores in the other matches of the Challengers tourney abroad are: Larsen, 4; Uhlmann, 2; Korchnoi, 3½; Geller 2½; Petrosian 4; Huebner, 3. Losing the 7th game after six draws, Huebner has resigned the match for reasons of health. All matches are for the best of 10 games.