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Bobby Fischer, USA, has chalked up three successive wins against Mark Taimanov in their match at Vancouver in the Challengers tourney. He needs only 1½ more pts. to take the best of ten games match. Abroad, he scores in the other matches; Larsen 4, Uhlmann 2; Korchnoi 3½ Geller, 2½, Petrosian 4, Huebner 3. The latter has resigned the match due to illness after six draws and a loss in the 7th.
World Series Match
The first game of the match, postponed from May 13th to the 16th, and played in the movie theatre auditorium of the Students Union of the University of British Columbia. Fischer, who had been playing tennis with George Bryant, secretary of the CFC, arrived five minutes after his clock had been started by the referee, shook hands with his opponent and started play.
The Gazette Montreal, Quebec, Quebec, Canada Saturday, May 29, 1971 World Series Match The first game of the match,...
Posted by Bobby Fischer's True History on Monday, June 1, 2020
Problem No. 1249 by Touw Hian Bwee, Indonesia. White mates in two moves.
FEN b3R2r/p4nB1/3kNR2/1Q1p1B2/7q/3nP2p/5p2/b4K2 w - - 0 1