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Three From Candidates' Matches
From the fourth game between Taimanov-Fischer, Taimanov once again accepts the Sicilian as black. In games 2 and 6, Taimanov plays P-K3 early, allowing N-N5 by Fischer.
This time he plays an early Q-B2 before P-K3 leading to a line Tal played against Fischer at Bled. Tal played 6 … N-B3 and Fischer won after 7. N-N5 but Taimanov protects with a prior 6. … P-QR3. Fischer gets a strong point at Q-5 and Taimanov elects an endgame.
Fischer has the space and as ever against Taimanov has the game in hand by a whisker. The final motif should not be missed by anyone who esteems the game.