Although Dr. Max Euwe, of Holland, has lost three important matches in the past 14 months, his record is a splendid one considering that he encountered two of the leading exponents of the game, Alekhine and Bogoljubov.
In 1927 Alekhine defeated him, 3-2, with five games drawn. In the spring of 1928 Bogoljubov downed him by the same score. In the recent return match with Bogoljubov again Dr. Euwe was defeated by a score of 1-2 and 7 draws. Following is the score of the sixth game of the recent match with the Russian ex-champion. In this game Dr. Euwe scored his only win:
Max Euwe vs Efim Bogoljubov
Bogoljubov - Euwe: Second FIDE Championship (1928), Utrecht NED, rd 6, Dec-29
Queen's Gambit Declined: Orthodox Defense. Main Line (D63) 1-0
(a) Often played, but bad. It sets up a poor pawn position, creates “holes” and loses time.
(b) Bogoljubov must have read of my theory regarding pawn equilibrium for Black, and his unusual capture with BP would be correct if not coupled with his indifferent 8. … P-QR3.
(c) Very doubtful.
(d) Napier used to describe such a move as “aiming at nothing and hitting it.” It is fairly obvious that White's KP cannot be safely captured.
(e) Now if 15. … NxP; 16. Q-R5 would win a piece.
(f) The hyper-modern would probably lose time to preserve the White KB. Dr. Euwe is modern, but not quite hyper, so he goes on with his attack.
(g) Black seems to have stopped the attack, but in reality his troubles have only started.
(h) Very much to the point and winning against any defense.
(i) If 30. … PxP; 31. NxKP R-B2 (if 31. … R elsewhere; 32. P-B7ch, etc.); 32. N-Q8 R-Q2; 33. P-B7ch and wins. Nevertheless, Black might have resisted longer by playing 32. … B-B, giving up the exchange.
(j) Better than 32. N-K6 at once, as it prevents 32. … B-B3.
(k) A pretty climax. If 33. … PxN; 34. P-B7, etc. If 33. … B-B; 34. RxB, RxR; 35. N-Q8, etc. And White threatens 34. N-B7 etc. A very energetic game on Dr. Euwe's part.
Lester Samuels vs Abraham Kupchik
Manhattan Chess Club-ch (1929), New York, NY USA
Formation: King's Indian Attack (A07) 1-0