The score of the first game of the recent match between Bogoljubov and Dr. Euwe. The latter pushed the attack, but he was unable to penetrate the well-planned defense of the former Russian champion. The game ended as a draw.
Max Euwe vs Efim Bogoljubov
Bogoljubov - Euwe: Second FIDE Championship (1928), The Hague and Amsterdam NED, rd 2, Dec-25
Queen's Gambit Declined: Cambridge Springs Variation (D52) 1/2-1/2
In the Marshall Chess Club's championship tournament, A. E. Santasiere, the New York State champion, has been desperately striving to overcome the lead of H. Ransom Bigelow, of Port Washington, N. Y., but to date his efforts have been of little avail. The latter has scored two and one-half games more and lost two and one-half games less. We present a sample of his energetic measures by reproducing the score of his game with McCudden:
Anthony E. Santasiere (white) vs. John Lester McCudden (black)
King's Indian Defense: Four Pawns Attack, Fluid Attack
(a) PxKP is probably better. Then P-KR3, N-R3; PxP; BxP, Castles.
(b) What care we about castling?
(c) Best. If RxP; QxPch, followed by B-Q3.
(d) Best. If R-B; RxPch K-N, B-R7ch, K-B2, Q-B3ch, K-K2; RxN, RxR; Q-B6ch, etc.
(e) Neither R nor B can be taken. If KxB; Q-Q3ch leads to a mate.
(f) Time pressure.
Two interesting games contested by amateurs vs. Dr. Emanuel Lasker, of Berlin, when the German master visited this country the latter part of 1928 and gave one of his simultaneous exhibitions at the I.L. Rice Progressive Chess Club, in New York. The score:
Emanuel Lasker vs Sidney Norman Bernstein
Clock simul, 10b (1928) (exhibition), Rice Progressive CC, New York, NY USA, Nov-08
Alekhine Defense: Four Pawns Attack (B03) 1-0
Emanuel Lasker vs J Kahn
Clock simul, 10b (1928) (exhibition), Rice Progressive CC, New York, New York USA, Nov-08
Spanish Game: General (C60) 1-0