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The Chess-Rattling game, which will probably be listed as “The” game of Bobby Fischer's young career, has caused no little comment. One reason, and no wonder, is that the typesetter erred in following the proper moves. In chess, and I surmise this one is a non-player, one out of place move will spoil the whole game. For the sake of chess lovers who missed this game we will re-submit it and hope for the best. …
We can speculate about this game without end, and we can wonder why Reshevsky did not or did play a move, but let us not go overboard on this end. Let credit rest where it lies, with young Bobby Fischer for having taken advantage and planned this masterpiece of brevity.
Robert James Fischer (white) vs. Samuel Reshevsky (black)
Sicilian Defense: Accelerated Dragon, Modern Bc4 Variation