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Bobby Fischer Maintains High Plateau of Play
Bobby Fischer obviously has maintained a high plateau of play in recent years. How else could he achieve what he has? But one of the finest hours in this young man's career was recorded when he was only half as old as he is now. This placed him among the chess prodigies of all time, and occurred in the 1956 Rosenwald Tournament in New York.
Donald Byrne vs Robert James Fischer
Third Rosenwald Trophy (1956), New York, NY USA, rd 8, Oct-17
Gruenfeld Defense: Three Knights Variation. Hungarian Attack (D92) 0-1
(a) Attack with the Grunfeld.
(b) 10. Q-N3 is best.
(c) Loses time. B-K2 was needed.
(d) First shock. If 12. NxN, NxP: 13. QxKP, QxQ; 14.BxQ,KR-K1, wins.
(e) Second sonic boom!
(f) If 15. BxR, BxB; 16. Q-B1,NxQBP, etc.
Dynamic and correct. It is this move that makes it one of the greatest games of the century.
(h) 21. R-Q3, PxB; wins easily for Black.