Warm-Up In Iceland
Robert Fischer, the 17-year-old genius who has dominated American chess for the last four years, stopped off at Reykjavik, Iceland, on his way to head the USA team in the Olympics at Leipzig. A small tourney was at once arranged with leading Icelandic masters, with Fischer winning.
Arinbjorn Gudmundsson vs Robert James Fischer
Reykjavik (1960), Reykjavik ISL, rd 2, Oct-06
Gruenfeld Defense: Botvinnik Variation (D95) 0-1
(a)Bobby always likes to set the pace, if possible even at the cost of some small sacrifice, for if 15. … N-KB3; 16. P-K4 R-K!; 17. B-K3 with a comfortable game for White. The text leads to an exchange of two minor pieces for a R, not quite an equivalent, but with the important difference that Black has a strong initiative, due to control of the K-file and the 8th rank.
(b) White has the problem of freeing his Q-side pieces while retaining his material advantage.
(c) Opening up a new possibility of attack on the KN-file, after K-R!
(d) Still premature, 25. P-QB4 was necessary first. Now Black winds it up.