Chess by Clif Sherwood Sunday, April 27, 1930 The Los Angeles Times Los Angeles, California L.A. Times Problem No. 163...
Posted by Bobby Fischer's True History on Saturday, November 21, 2020
L.A. Times Problem No. 163 by C.R. Prentiss, Los Angeles. First publication. White mates in two.
FEN 2b5/QP1p4/2R2p2/4bkNK/2N1p3/2n5/2n2P1B/8 w - - 0 1
Key: Q-Q4/Qd4
The radio match between Los Angeles and Rosario, Argentina, was concluded last Sunday, this end winning 1½-½. Board A, Cristia and Ferreyra vs. H. Steiner and Sherwood, had already been called a draw. Board B proved a win for Los Angeles. After twenty moves, in a very even position, the Argentineans ventured into a very trappy line which required most expert play by the Californians to avoid serious trouble.
L.A. Times Game No. 181
Edward P. Elliott - Harry Borochow (white) vs. Oscar Garcia and J. Rivarola (black)
Alekhine Defense: Four Pawns Attack, Main Line
(a)—If N-K, RxN; 22. RxR B-N4 wins for Black.
(b)—Black probably overlooked this with 25. P-KR4.
(c)—Any other move and White has nothing better than a draw through repetition of moves—N-QB N-Q4.
(d)—Loses at once; K-B5 would have prolonged the issue.
The broadcasting at this end was done from the amateur station of T.E. LaCroix, Long Beach, being assisted by James H. Brown and L.B. Weston, all of KFOX. International radiotelegraphic code was used. English notation, with N for knight, was used for the moves. Some messages were in Spanish, some in English. Four afternoon sessions were required, mostly from 4 to 7 p.m. (three hours later their time.) In answer to inquiry from a reader—the four Los Angeles players, also the radio operators, were all nonsmokers. (This is not an advertisement.)
An international radio chess match between teams of four players, representing Los Angeles, Calif., and Rosario, Argentina, was conducted on April 6, 8, 14 and 20. At Board 1 Herman Steiner and Cliff Sherwood, of California, were opposed by J. Christia and J. Ferreyra. This game terminated in a draw—but at Board 2 Harry Borochow, partnered by E. P. Elliott, a former Western champion, succeeded in defeating the consulting Argentina players, Oscar Garcia and J. Rivarolo.