Chess by Clif Sherwood Sunday, April 15, 1928 The Los Angeles Times Los Angeles, California L.A. Times Problem No. 23...
Posted by Bobby Fischer's True History on Friday, October 23, 2020
L.A. Times Problem No. 23 by Dr. W.R.I. Dalton, Seattle. First publication. White mates in three.
FEN 8/7p/7P/6pB/pP1QpkPp/2P3pR/P5p1/6K1 w - - 0 1
Key: 1. P-R3 forcing K-B6; 2. Q-B2 mate, in two. Several gave KxP, etc. But even the composer's intention, 1. Q-R7, doesn't mate in three. The 'problem' was diagrammed exactly as submitted. Composers should thoroughly test their compositions before contributing same (the chess editor is not supposed to do so) for sending in such an unsound setting will tempt us to ignore any second contribution from the same source.