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Chess by Clif Sherwood Sun, May 5, 1929 – 22 · The Los Angeles Times (Los Angeles, California) · Newspapers.com
Chess by Clif Sherwood Sunday, May 5, 1929 The Los Angeles Times Los Angeles, California L.A. Times Problem No. 98 by...
Posted by Bobby Fischer's True History on Monday, October 5, 2020
L.A. Times Problem No. 98 by the late Woodford B. Hart. First published in the L.A. Evening Express column, May, 1922.
FEN 2R5/3r4/2Nr4/4R3/2k1n3/B2N4/1K2B3/8 w - - 0 1
Key: R-Q5/Rd5
Our game this week is one of the most remarkable on record, considering the circumstances under which it was played. At the outbreak of the great war these two Russians were engaged in a big tourney in Germany, and were interned. While in prison, with chess outfits refused them, they engaged in this “blindfold” affair—without board or men. The skillful thrust and parry in all quarters of the board betrays no lack of vision.
Sicilian Defense
Bogoljubov (White) vs. Alekhin (Black)
Another game that is not listed on chessgames to run by the expert's games database . . . Chessgames has two such '...
Posted by Bobby Fischer's True History on Monday, October 5, 2020
1. P-K4 P-QB4
2. P-KN3 P-KN3
3. B-N2 B-N2
4. N-K2 N-QB3
5. P-QB3 P-K3
6. N-R3 KN-K2
7. P-Q4 PxP
8. PxP P-Q4
9. P-K5 O-O
10. N-B2 B-Q2
11. O-O R-B
12. B-N5 P-KR3
13. B-Q2 Q-N3
14. B-QB3 N-R4
15. BxN QxB
16. N-K3 B-R5
17. P-N3 B-N4
18. R-K Q-R6
19. Q-Q2 P-KR4
20. N-B3 Q-R4
21. KR-QB B-QR3
22. B-B BxB
23. KxB B-R3
24. P-B4 N-B3
25. R-Q KR-Q
26. N-K2 Q-N3
27. K-B2 B-B
28. P-KR3 B-N5
29. Q-N2 R-B2
30. P-R3 B-K2
31. P-QN4 KR-QB
32. P-N4 PxP
33. PxP K-N2
34. P-B5 B-R5ch
35. K-B3 B-N4
36. N-KB4 NxKPch
37. PxN R-B6
38. Q-Q2 KR-B5
39. N-N2 P-Q5
40. R-R K-N
41. R-R3 PxN
42. Q-K2 Q-Q5
0-1 |
1. e4 c5
2. g3 g6
3. Bg2 Bg7
4. Ne2 Nc6
5. c3 e6
6. Na3 Nge7
7. d4 cxd4
8. cxd4 d5
9. e5 O-O
10. Nc2 Bd7
11. 0-0 Rc8
12. Bg5 h6
13. Bd2 Qb6
14. Bc3 Na5
15. Bxa5 Qxa5
16. Ne3 Ba4
17. b3 Bb5
18. Re1 Qa3
19. Qd2 h5
20. Nc3 Qa5
21. Rc1 Ba6
22. Bf1 Bxf1
23. Kxf1 Bh6
24. f4 Nc6
25. Rd1 Rd8
26. Ne2 Qb6
27. Kf2 Bf8
28. h3 Bb4
29. Qb2 Rc7
30. a3 Be7
31. b4 Rc8
32. g4 hxg4
33. hxg4 Kg7
34. f5 Bh4+
35. Kf3 Bg5
36. Nf4 Nxe5+
37. dxe5 Rc3
38. Qd2 Rc4
39. Ng2 d4
40. Rh1 Kg8
41. Rh3 dxe3
42. Qe2 Qd4
0-1(a) |
(a)There was no defense. QxPmate is threatened. If 44. R-N3 then Q-K5mate; and if 44. K-N3 then R-B7 (threatening QxR); 45. Q-Q, QxKPch; 46. K-B3 R-B7mate.
World's Champ In Exhibition: Dr. Alekhin, Chess King, Plays Tuesday Sun, May 5, 1929 – 22 · The Los Angeles Times (Los Angeles, California) · Newspapers.com