Chess by Clif Sherwood Sunday, June 16, 1929 The Los Angeles Times Los Angeles, California L.A. Times Problem No. 106...
Posted by Bobby Fischer's True History on Monday, October 5, 2020
L.A. Times Problem No. 106 by Godfrey Heathcote. Second prize. Norwich Mercury, King in the Corner Tourney, 1903-1904. White mates in two moves.
FEN 8/3K4/8/8/2N2p2/p7/1R2pr2/kBb4Q w - - 0 1
Key: N-Q2/Nd2
The game below is from the New York, 1924 tourney and shows Reti adopting his system against the then world's champion. In this tourney he finished fifth, behind Dr. Lasker, Capablanca, Alekhine and Marshall, and ahead of Maroczy, Bogoljubow, etc.; he won three more games than either Alekhine or Marshall but lost many more and had the fewest draws in the tourney.
Richard Reti vs Jose Raul Capablanca New York (1924), New York, NY USA, rd 5, Mar-22 English Opening: Anglo-Indian Defense. King's Indian Formation (A15) 1-0
Reti's Opening
Reti (White) Capablanca (Black)
3. b4(a) Bg7 12. a3 h6(b) 13. Nf1 c5(c) 18. exd4 N6d7(d) 26. Nd4(e) Bxg2 27. Kxg2 Qe5(f) 1-0 (g)
Notes By Alekhine
(a) This can be played without disadvantage, but it is not always best during the first few moves to commit oneself to an exposed pawn position on either wing.
(b) Difficult to understand; all it does is weaken the kingside.
(c) A clever positional trap, quite in the champion's style; it's only disadvantage is that white need not meddle with it at all. If white accepted the Grecian gift (14. PxRP RxP; 15. NxP BxB; 16. NxN B-B3; 17. NxNch BxN 18. BxB QxB; 19. Q-Q2 P-R4) black would have more than sufficient compensation for the pawn sacrifice because of this excellently posted B. the open QR file etc.
(d) A miscalculation. Capablanca probably overlooked the Q check on move 22 by means of which white protects his QNP. From now on Reti plays the game to perfection.
(e) White could have won the Q for R, N and P (26. QR-Q5, BxR; 27. P-N4 BxN; 28. PxQ BxP; 29. B-B6 etc.) but the final tussle would have been more difficult than after the text.)
(f) Not RxN; 28. PxR QxR; 29. N-K6 winning the Q.
(g) If N-B5; 32. RxQ NxQ; 33. R-B2 N-R5; 34. N-Q5 wins.