Chess by Cliff Sherwood Sunday, December 01, 1929 The Los Angeles Times Los Angeles, California L.A. Times Problem No....
Posted by Bobby Fischer's True History on Friday, October 16, 2020
L.A. Times Problem No. 131 by Murray Marble, Literary Digest, October 1901. White mates in two.
FEN 1n6/1K2R3/2N1p1Qb/2Pk3r/B1pP3r/7b/n2pR3/3N4 w - - 0 1
Key: R-QB7/Rc7
Some good tries defeated by RxP.
Chess by Cliff Sherwood Sunday, December 01, 1929 The Los Angeles Times Los Angeles, California Problem by J....
Posted by Bobby Fischer's True History on Friday, October 16, 2020
Problem by J. Halumbirek, first prize, Austrian Chess Association tourney, 1929. White mates in four.
FEN b7/8/p7/1p1p4/5b2/8/1Q3p1p/5K1k w - - 0 1
Key: Rather simple four mover, probably as easy as a heavy two-er, but so many of our solvers voted against anything over two moves that we are giving the solution: 1. Q-R8/Qh8, the only key. If B-N2; 2. Q-N7, B-N6; 3. QxQB, etc. If B-B3; 2. Q-B3, B-K6; 3. QxQB etc. If B-N; 2. Q-R, B-R2; 3. Q-Q P-Q5; 4. KxP mate. The 'try' 1. Q-R is defeated by B-K6; 2. QxP, B-R2!