Chess by Clif Sherwood Sunday, May 12, 1929 The Los Angeles Times Los Angeles, California L.A. Times Problem No. 100 by...
Posted by Bobby Fischer's True History on Monday, October 5, 2020
L.A. Times Problem No. 100 by Sam Loyd. White mates in three.
FEN 1B6/3Q4/6Rn/8/4k3/1P2pq2/K7/7B w - - 0 1
Key: R-N2
World Champion Alekhine simultaneous exhibition at San Francisco, Saturday night, the 11th inst., packed the chess club rooms in the Mechanics' Institute. Against forty-four players he won 28, lost 8 and drew 8. The lucky winners were A. J. Fink, State champion; E. W. Gruer, former State champion; Charles Bagby,. A. B. Stamer, D. Vedensky, S. Silvius, L. Goldstone and Dr. A. Epstein. Draws were obtained by Dr. W. R. Lovegrove, Prof. G. K. Branch, Henry Gross, J. Drouillard, Leo Christianson, Fred Byron, G. Traum and L. Rosenblatt. One of the players, almost totally blind, lasted fifty-one moves while a friend, totally blind, sat alongside and recorded the game, move by move, on his Braille typewriter. Arthur Dake, 19-year-old Oregon champ, who came from Portland to Los Angeles to lose his game in the exhibition here, stopped off at San Francisco on his way home to take a second crack at the world's champion, and suffered defeat again. Alekhine states he was not feeling well up north and visited a Russian doctor upon his return to Los Angeles.