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Because of the difficulties encountered in getting general agreement on site, time and finances of the Fischer-Spassky world championship match, FIDE President Dr. Max Euwe, has thrown the whole project open once more for new bids from any country, not just previous bidders. So that we are back to square once again.
In the meanwhile, Bobby Fischer, having given up sharing entry fees to the playing bill, has engaged a lawyer to negotiate for him with organizers of the match on the question of television rights for world distribution. Nearly 80 countries are members of the International Chess Federation and many should be prospective customers for the service. And with the long pauses between moves think of the possibilities for commercial advertising!
In his rapid games Fischer shows the same probing aggressiveness and accuracy that he displays in his more serious encounters, as in the following from the strong speed tourney at the Manhattan C.C., NY last fall, which he won with the score of 21½-½ pts.!
Alexander Kevitz vs Robert James Fischer
Manhattan blitz (1971) (blitz), New York, NY USA, rd 2, Aug-08
Gruenfeld Defense: Three Knights. Hungarian Variation (D93) 0-1
Paul Brandts vs Robert James Fischer
Manhattan blitz (1971) (blitz), New York, NY USA, rd 2, Aug-08
King's Indian Defense: Orthodox Variation. Classical System Misc. Lines (E98) 0-1