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A Fischer Variation
Bobby Fischer leans mostly to 1. P-K4 when he has the White pieces, and as Black he chooses the Sicilian Defence (1. P-K4, P-QB4) and after 1. P-Q4, N-KB3; 2. P-QB4, P-KN3; 3. N-QB3 P-Q4 (the Grunfeld Defence) is his favorite.
He is able to play any line of attack or defence. No one knows the opening better than Fischer, but the above are certainly his most often used lines of play. Twice against Boris Spassky, he has played the Grunfeld Defence — and lost both games.
For this reason, it is interesting to see the following game as White introduces a new thought to White's play against the Fischer line. This against an opponent who was not prepared for it! Fischer surely has seen this game by now and must have something against it.
Played in the Athens, Greece tournament 1971.