Chess Chats by George Koltanowski
International Chess Master
The Press Democrat Chess Chats by George Koltanowski, Sunday, June 21, 1959, Santa Rosa, California Problem No....
Posted by Bobby Fischer's True History on Sunday, March 20, 2022
Problem No. 185
White to play and mate in two moves.
FEN 8/4K3/8/3Bkp2/8/3Q4/5P2/b7 w - - 0 1
Solution: 1. Be6 Bb2 2. Qe3#
Played in two-game blindfold exhibition at Atlanta; November, 1958.
Georges Koltanowski vs Napoles
Blindfold simul (1958) (blindfold), Atlanta, GA USA
Italian Game: Scotch Gambit. Max Lange Attack Spielmann Defense (C56) 1-0
(a) Better Is 7. … P-Q3.
(b) Doubtful. Correct Is 8. … N-R3; 9. BxN PxB; 10. Q-Q2 K-N2 etc.
(c) Home Sweet Home.
(d) Dangerous and he's out to beat the blindfold player…fast.
(e) The blindfold player has “seen” further than his opponent. If 19. … QxB; 20. QxBPch followed by a mate in two moves.
Played In the Dayton, Ohio, Open, recently.
N.N. vs. N.N.
French Defense: Alapin Gambit
BOTH BLUNDER … with the last blunder losing: Played In France recently.
Dr. Bey (white) vs. Baptizet (black)
Scandinavian Defense: Modern Variation
(a) Parbleu…Pourquoi c'est coup la?
(b) Ici les Blancs pouvont abondonner—une tour des moins …
(c) As lonq as there's hope …
(d) Non—c'est impossible—une gaffe de troiseme classe. 10. … Q-B3 was the move.
(e) Pourquol me reveille…?
CHESS QUOTE OF THE DAY: “The first piece of advice I would offer to his young student who wishes to improve his chess, is that in the formation of his style he should try to follow his own aptitude and temperament. One player derives pleasure from working out a game accurately like a sum in mathematics.
Another cares for nothing but ingenious combinations and brilliant attack. It it by far the best for each to develop his own qualities.—J. Blackburne, 1900.
…request by the Chamber of Commerce to use the Plaza for the Aug. 9 Chess Festival…
It was voted to approve a request by the Sonoma Valley Chamber of Commercce for the use of the Plaza on Sunday, Aug 9, 1959 for the Ninth Annual Valley of the Moon Chess Festival.