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Chess Columns Additional Archives/Social Media

December 13, 1931 It's Your Move by William Henry Steckel, Morning Call

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ChessChess 13 Dec 1931, Sun The Morning Call (Allentown, Pennsylvania)

OCR Text

"IT'S YOUR MOVE The Morning Call's Chess and Checker Column Problems, Games, Positions in End Games and News Items Will Be Welcomed W. H. STECKEL, Editor The recently concluded Central Pennsylvania tourney which was held fit the Hotel Allen on the 5th and 6ih and ended at Harrisburg on the 8 th came out as expected with A. N. Towsen, of Harrisburg, and H. V. Hesse, of Bethlehem, both favorites to win this annual classic tied for first place both with a score of 6-2. M. L. Keyser, cf Berwick, with a score of 4-4 came out third. W. Shuler, of Easton, and W. H. Steckel, of Allentown, each with a score of 2-6 were tied for fourth and lith places.
It was decided at a meeting before the tourney, that the sixth annual tournament of this association will be held in Wilkes-Barre for the 1931-32. Officers elected for 1931-32 are as follows: A. N. Towsen, Harrisburg, president; M. S. Keyser, Berwick, vice president; A. Williams, Wilkes-Barre, secretary and treasurer. We are appending a few games below from this tourney: Queen's Gambit Declined H. V. A. N. H. V. A. N. gesse Towsen Hesse Towsen ethhem Harris'rg Beth'hcra 'Harris'rg 1 P-Q4 P-Qi 27 K-B QxQch 2 P-QB4 P-KJ 28 KxQ P-B6cn 3 Kt-QB3 P-OB3 g 4 P-K3 KOKB3 29 K-R3 P-Kt7 5 Kt-B3 Kt-K5 (h 6 KtxKt rxKt(a) 30 BxB P-Kt8q 7 Kt-Q2 P-KB4 31 RxQrh BxR 8 P-KB3 P-QB4 32 B-KB B-B7 (b) 33 P-QKt5 R-B5 9 QPxPrt BxP 34 K-R2 Kt-Q 10 PxP Castles 35 Kt-K B-R5ch 11 PxP PxP 36 B-R3 RxP l3 Kt-KB3 Q-K2 37 B-KB6 BxKt 13 B-Q3 k Kt-QB3 (i) , 14 Q-Si B-Q2 38 BxKt R-B7ch 15 Castles OR-K 39 K-Kt R-B 16 B-Ui -KKU (J) JO - an B-KB B-KKt6 I 7 K-R P-Kt5 k a Kt-K- 0-K-Kt2 41 P-QKt8 P-QR3 19 B-QB3 Q-KR3 42 B-KKt5 R-Kt8 20 Kt-QB2 P-Kt6 ill J" (, 43 B.K3 P-KR4 51 P-KR3 P-KB5 44 B-KB2 PjKR5 32 P-QK.14 BxKRP 45 P-QR4 K-R2 !!U 46 P-R5 K-Kt3 91 PB QxPch 47 B-B5 P-KR6 24 K-Kt RxKP 25 Q-KKt2 R-K7. tdis ch) A RxPrh 48 B-B2 P-R7ch 49 K-R KXKcn 50 Resigns. v.i hi th Fditnr (a,) More usual is 6. B-G3 leading to the otonewau v.. Ji 7? Kt-K5.
Q-KR5; 8. Castles, Kt-Q2; nrisinal and unusual move set- ttn Hesse a problem. The situation was not without Its humorous side, Towsen havlne sailed unconcernedly Into a variation that he knew nothing about. At move eight the proper move (B-Q3) did not occur to him. and he was compelled to discover a variation of his own c Kt-Kt3 appears to be White's best ""Id" This move is typical of Towsen's style.
To the average plaver It must appear almost near to committing suicide to expose the Black King as he here does. Actually the exposure In this Instance Is mnM Annnrent thnn real. e A signal that the fireworks are to begin. The blockade of Pawns would not be lnvirea oy an anroitious nuaciter except with the expectation of later tearing (ft A beautiful "bust." If Hesse takes the Bishop (B5) there follows 23 BxKtP (dble ch);'KxB, P-B6ch. RxP, Q-R7 ch. K-B, Q-R8 mate. If on the other hand he takes neither Bishop but plays Instead K-Kt. Black plays RxKP with crushing enect. (g Hesse plays on Doping lor a "miracle " If he moves to either Bsa or R so he Ik muted nretftly. in the first Instance by P-Kt7, in the second by fhl Th mfrnrV altnnst hftDOens.
Tow en her missed his best continuation by jnlle. Rook takes Knight first was in rf)' Black's pieces must be played with res open. Otherwise the King and Rook vlll be discovered compromised by the White BisnoD. Not HxRP. B-K6ch, winning the 9t k) Puttins the White Kins in orison. Sentence: Life. 1) Towsen places the Rook on a White square where the Bishop cannot molest it. and proceeds leisurely about the matter of exhausting all White's moves. Queen's Gambit Declined H. V. M. L. H. V. M. 1. Hesse Keyser Hesse Keyser Beth'hertt Berwick Beth'herfl Berwick 1 t-4 F-4 13 OxP BxKtch 2 P-QB4 P-K3 14 PxB QxPch 3 Kt-QB3 Kt-KB3 15 K-K2 Q-Kt7ch 4 B1K15 SKt-Q2 16 K-Q3 P-QKt3 5 PxP PxP 17 Q-R4ch K-Kt 6 P-K3 P-B3 18 KR-QKt B-R3ch 7 B-Q3 B-Kt5 19 K-K4 Q-B7ch 8 Q-B2 Castles 20 K-B4 P-B3 9 BxPch K-R 21 K-Kt3 P-XB 10 B-Q3 Q-R4 22 QxP Kt-B3 11 Kt-B3 Kt-K5 23 Q-R4 Kt-K5ch 12 BxKt PxB 24 Resigns. Zukertort Opening (Time: 5 hrs. 15 min.) W. H. A. N. W. H. A. N. Steckel Towsen Steckel Towsen Allent'n Harrls'rg Allent'n Harris'rg 1 Kt-KB3 P-Q4 16 P-K4 P-Q5 2 P-QB4 P-K3 17 BxP PxB 3 P-KKt3 Kt-KB3 18 KtxP Q-K4 4 P-Kt3 QKt-Q2 19 OKt-B3 Q-R4 5 B-Kt2 P-B3 20 KtxP B-R6 6 Castles B-Q3 21 P-Q4 QKt-Q2 7 B-Kt2 Castles 22 P-Q5 R-R3 8 P-Q3 R-K 23 QKt-K4 Kt-Kt5 9 Q-B2 Q-K2 24 P-B6 Kt-K4 10 QKt-Q2 P-K4 25 KtxP BxB 11 P-K3 Kt-B 26 BxB KtxKt 12 KR-K P-QKt4 27 KxKt KtxPch 13 P-B5 B-B2 28 K-Kt2 Q-B6ch 14 P-OKt4 R-QR4 29 KxKt??? R-K4 15 P-QR3 P-R5 30 ResiRns.
NOTE: (???) The text move is inexcusable, K-Kt would obviously have been r win for White. Guioco Piano W. W. H. W. W. H. Shuler Steckel Shuler Steckel Easton Allent'n Easton Allent'n 1 P-K4 P-K4 15 KtxKt P-Kt4 2 B-B4 B-B4 16 Kt-K3 P-QB3 3 P-QB3 Kt-QB3 17 Q-Kt3 B-K3 4 Q-K2 P-Q3 18 P-QB4 Q-R4 5 P-KR3 Kt-B3 19 K-Kt QR-Kt 6 Kt-B3 Castles 20 P-Kt5 P-R4 7 P-Q3 P-KR3 21 P-Kt6 P-B3 8 B-K3 R-K 22 Q-B3 PxP 9 BXB fxa 23 FXP RxPch 10 P-KKt4 Kt-R4 24 KxR R-Kteh 11 QKt-Q2 Kt-R2 25 K-B Q-B6ch 12 Castles KtrKt4 ) 26 Kt-B2 QxQ ij r-ivK4 n nesigns. 14 QxKt KtxB Queen's Gambit Declined A. N. W. H. A. N. W. H Towsen Bteckel Towsen Steckel Harris'rg Allent'n Harris're Allent'n 1 P-Q4 Kt-KB3 18 KR-B2 QR-B 2 P-QB4 P-K3 17 Q-S2 P-QB4 3 Kt-QB3 P-Q4 18 PxP RxP 4 B-Kt5 B-K2 19 CS-R5 RxR 5 P-K3 QKt-Q2 20 RxR P-Q5 O rvt-riJJJ r-iJJ 21 R.tXf J-Kt4 7 R-B CasMe 22 P-B4 Q-Kt5 8 B-Q3 PxP 23 Q-Q2 Kt-B3 9 BxP Kt-04 24 B-B5 Q-R4 10 BxB QxB 25 'Q-K2 Q-R3 11 Castles P-QKt4 26 P-KKt4 Kt-Q4 12 KtxKt KPxKt 27 P-Kt5 Q-Q3 13 B-Q3 B-Kt2 28 Q-B2 KtxKP 14 Q-K2 KR-K 29 R-B3 KtxB is tt-Bi r-UKj jv Resigns. - i The standing: of the Marshall Chess Club tournament at the end of the fifth round is as follows: Bernstein, SH-l'i; Fine, Reinfeld, Santasiere, and Tholfsen, all with scores of 3-1; Cass and Smirka, 3-2; Dunst. 2-2V4; Hanauer, 2-1: Bigelow and Grossman, l?-3Mi'J Levenstein, 1-2; Croney and Morton 1-4. The Marshall Chess club has turned the' use of its rooms over to the Intercollegiate Chess League, with which Columbia, City College, New York University, Pennsylvania and Brown are affiliated. It is also understood that the University of Pittsburgh will participate.

Recommended Books

Understanding Chess by William Lombardy Chess Duels, My Games with the World Champions, by Yasser Seirawan No Regrets: Fischer-Spassky 1992, by Yasser Seirawan Chess Fundamentals, by Jose Capablanca Bobby Fischer Teaches Chess, by Bobby Fischer My 60 Memorable Games, by Bobby Fischer Bobby Fischer Games of Chess, by Bobby Fischer The Modern Chess Self Tutor, by David Bronstein Russians versus Fischer, by Mikhail Tal, Plisetsky, Taimanov, et al

'til the world understands why Robert J. Fischer criticised the U.S./British and Russian military industry imperial alliance and their own Israeli Apartheid. Sarah Wilkinson explains:

Bobby Fischer, First Amendment, Freedom of Speech
What a sad story Fischer was,” typed a racist, pro-imperialist colonial troll who supports mega-corporation entities over human rights, police state policies & white supremacy.
To which I replied: “Really? I think he [Bob Fischer] stood up to the broken system of corruption and raised awareness! Whether on the Palestinian/Israel-British-U.S. Imperial Apartheid scam, the Bush wars of ‘7 countries in 5 years,’ illegally, unconstitutionally which constituted mass xenocide or his run in with police brutality in Pasadena, California-- right here in the U.S., police run rampant over the Constitution of the U.S., on oath they swore to uphold, but when Americans don't know the law, and the cops either don't know or worse, “don't care” -- then I think that's pretty darn “sad”. I think Mr. Fischer held out and fought the good fight, steadfast til the day he died, and may he Rest In Peace.
Educate yourself about U.S./State Laws --
After which the troll posted a string of profanities, confirming there was never any genuine sentiment of “compassion” for Mr. Fischer, rather an intent to inflict further defamatory remarks.

This ongoing work is a tribute to the life and accomplishments of Robert “Bobby” Fischer who passionately loved and studied chess history. May his life continue to inspire many other future generations of chess enthusiasts and kibitzers, alike.

Robert J. Fischer, Kid Chess Wizard 1956March 9, 1943 - January 17, 2008

The photograph of Bobby Fischer (above) from the March 02, 1956 The Tampa Times was discovered by Sharon Mooney (Bobby Fischer Newspaper Archive editor) on February 01, 2018 while gathering research materials for this ongoing newspaper archive project. Along with lost games now being translated into Algebraic notation and extractions from over two centuries of newspapers, it is but one of the many lost treasures to be found in the pages of old newspapers since our social media presence was first established November 11, 2017.

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