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"IT'S YOUR MOVE" The Morning Call's Chess and Checker Column Problems, Games, Positions in End Games and News Items Will Be Welcomed W. II. STECKEL, Editor Kashdan to Give Exhibition Here Isaac Kashdan, of New York, who has astounded the chess world with his sensational chess feats during the past year will make his first appearance in this city at the local Y. M. C. A. on the evening of March 26 in dan will take on all comers, no limit being set to the amount of players he will play against. A committee has been appointed to handle this affair and it is the committee's intention to have at least 50 players If not more lined up against him when he makes his debut In this city. The privilege of playing Is granted to any one willing to contribute $1.00 to the fund necessary to make up the guarantee and expenses for this young master. We will not dwell on Mr. Kashdan's past record for the readers of this column are too well acquainted with his past history through consistent publicity in this and other papers. Let's put him to the test on Marco 26. On the evening of Wednesday, February 18. H. V. Hesse of Bethle hem, who Is entered in the local tournament and who plays on the Allentown chess team will give a simultaneous exhibition at the rooms of the Bethlehem chess club. Mr. Hesse we can well believe will give a very credible account of himself for we are remembering his success In winning the Central Pennsylvania tournament without the 'loss of one game. The editor gave a simultaneous ex hibition at the rooms ol the North ampton Chess and' Checker club on the evening of February 6.
Eight men were played and defeated simul taneously. The editor immediately after played a blindfold game with J. Fiddler, the editor winning the game in 34 moves. H. V. Hesse and W. H. Bteckel are definite entries In the state tournament which will be held at the Mercantile Library, Philadelphia, on February 21 and 23. It Is to be regreted that our club president A. Rex will not be able to enter this annual tournament. A serious illness which has confined him to his home for the last two weeks making his entry impossible. Reading has postponed the team match with Allentown to the evening of February 26.
The local club will have its hands full with Wllkes-Barre at the Mauch Chuk V. M. C. A. on Thursday .evening this coming week.
In the February issue of the American Chess Bulletin Dr. Emanuel Lasker, former world's champion and who held the title for twenty-seven years announces bis retirement from the game through a personal letter to H. Helms. Mir. Sultan Khan, the British champion has Just completed a twelve game match with Dr. Savielly Tartakower, the Polish grandmaster and defeated this master by a score of 4-3 and S draws. R. Kemmerer is leading C. Fleming by 4-1 in their 20-game checker match. The schedule for the week of February 16 In the Y. M. C. A. tournament Is as follows: Godfrey vs. Shuler, Geary vs. Steckel, Hesse vs. Rockel, Albrecht vs. Campbell, War-sau vs. Billiard and Foley a bye.
Eight men were played and defeated simul taneously. The editor immediately after played a blindfold game with J. Fiddler, the editor winning the game in 34 moves. H. V. Hesse and W. H. Bteckel are definite entries In the state tournament which will be held at the Mercantile Library, Philadelphia, on February 21 and 23. It Is to be regreted that our club president A. Rex will not be able to enter this annual tournament. A serious illness which has confined him to his home for the last two weeks making his entry impossible. Reading has postponed the team match with Allentown to the evening of February 26.
The local club will have its hands full with Wllkes-Barre at the Mauch Chuk V. M. C. A. on Thursday .evening this coming week.
In the February issue of the American Chess Bulletin Dr. Emanuel Lasker, former world's champion and who held the title for twenty-seven years announces bis retirement from the game through a personal letter to H. Helms. Mir. Sultan Khan, the British champion has Just completed a twelve game match with Dr. Savielly Tartakower, the Polish grandmaster and defeated this master by a score of 4-3 and S draws. R. Kemmerer is leading C. Fleming by 4-1 in their 20-game checker match. The schedule for the week of February 16 In the Y. M. C. A. tournament Is as follows: Godfrey vs. Shuler, Geary vs. Steckel, Hesse vs. Rockel, Albrecht vs. Campbell, War-sau vs. Billiard and Foley a bye.