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"IT'S YOUR MOVE" The Morning Call's Chess and Checker Column Problems, Games, Positions in End Games and News Items Will Be Welcomed W. H. STECKEL, Editor Chess players of twenty-two coun tries are ready to compete In the team tournament of the International Chess Federation at Prague, July 13 to 26. Included In the list are Poland, Hungary, Germany, Austria, Czechoslovakia, United States, Holland and England, which finished in that order in the first eight places at Hamburg last year. The other countries sending teams are Switzerland, Norway, Latvia, Finland, Esthonia, Jugoslavia, Rumania, Spain, Sweden, Italy, Denmark, France, Belgium and Lithuania.
The 22 countries ere to be divided into two sections of 11 each. The first section will meet all the teams in the second section, requiring the playing of 11 rounds in this part of the tournament Following this the first six teams in each section will face each other in the same way, and the remaining five teams in each section will also play each other. The Hamilton-Russell trophy will be awarded to the team scoring the most game points and not to the team winning the greatest number of matches. The United States will be represented by Frank J. Marshall, Isaac K ash-dan, Israel Horowitz, Herman Steiner and Arthur W. Dake. Harold M. Phillips of New York wfll act as manager. The American team placed sixth at Hamburg last year due principally to the excellent work of Marshall, Kashdan and Steiner. With Horowith and Dake on the team, it is confidently expected that a higher place may be attained this year.
The following game with E. Colle, the Belgian expert, in the last Hastings Tournament, demonstrates Capa-blanca's skill in Judging a position. His sacrifice of a rook for a knight on the 18th move is pretty and sound. 19 Accurate play in the end-game forced the decision. QUEEN'S PAWN OPENING CAPABLANCA COL, WHITE . 1 P-Q4 2 P-QB4 . 3 Kt-B3 4 Q-B2 5 PxP 6 Kt-B3 7 " B-Q2 - 8 PxB BLACK Kt-KBJ P-K3 B-Kt5 P-Q4 QxP Castles BxKt QKt-Q2 P-B4 Q-Q3 P-QKt3 P-KR3 B-Kt2 Q-B2 PxP StRKtl QxR Q-B2 " RxB P-B3 i Kt-K4 Q-G3 Q-K5 . . QxQ B-KS KtR t-rv K-B2 K-K2 B-B3 BxB K-Q3 K-B3 Kt-Kt3 K-Kt2 R-QB KtxP P-K3 P-B4 R-O 10 11 B-B3 B-K2 Castles PxP Q-Kt2 -R RxKt BxP BxR P-Kt3 Kt-R4 14 15 IS 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 F.H4 K-B2 Q-Kt RxQ R-Kt3 K-KJ R-R5 Kt-B3 Kt-QJ -B-B3 KxB Kt-K4ch R-R6ch txKBP R-R5 Kt-K4 3? 38 39 B-Kt5ch Resigns. In his recent record-breaking blindfold performance, G. Koltanowski, the Belgian champion, playing the white pieces, produced the following nea brevity. WHITE BLACK P-QB3 P-Q4 PxP Kt-B3 QxP KtPxKt Q-R4ch QxB Q-K3 QxP S3 1 P-K4 P-Q4 Kt-QB3 KtxP B-Q3 Kt-KB3 Kt: CtxKtch BxB B-Q2 Castles Q-Q3 QR 13 Q-Q8ch 14 B-R5dbleh 15 R-QBmate.
The 22 countries ere to be divided into two sections of 11 each. The first section will meet all the teams in the second section, requiring the playing of 11 rounds in this part of the tournament Following this the first six teams in each section will face each other in the same way, and the remaining five teams in each section will also play each other. The Hamilton-Russell trophy will be awarded to the team scoring the most game points and not to the team winning the greatest number of matches. The United States will be represented by Frank J. Marshall, Isaac K ash-dan, Israel Horowitz, Herman Steiner and Arthur W. Dake. Harold M. Phillips of New York wfll act as manager. The American team placed sixth at Hamburg last year due principally to the excellent work of Marshall, Kashdan and Steiner. With Horowith and Dake on the team, it is confidently expected that a higher place may be attained this year.
The following game with E. Colle, the Belgian expert, in the last Hastings Tournament, demonstrates Capa-blanca's skill in Judging a position. His sacrifice of a rook for a knight on the 18th move is pretty and sound. 19 Accurate play in the end-game forced the decision. QUEEN'S PAWN OPENING CAPABLANCA COL, WHITE . 1 P-Q4 2 P-QB4 . 3 Kt-B3 4 Q-B2 5 PxP 6 Kt-B3 7 " B-Q2 - 8 PxB BLACK Kt-KBJ P-K3 B-Kt5 P-Q4 QxP Castles BxKt QKt-Q2 P-B4 Q-Q3 P-QKt3 P-KR3 B-Kt2 Q-B2 PxP StRKtl QxR Q-B2 " RxB P-B3 i Kt-K4 Q-G3 Q-K5 . . QxQ B-KS KtR t-rv K-B2 K-K2 B-B3 BxB K-Q3 K-B3 Kt-Kt3 K-Kt2 R-QB KtxP P-K3 P-B4 R-O 10 11 B-B3 B-K2 Castles PxP Q-Kt2 -R RxKt BxP BxR P-Kt3 Kt-R4 14 15 IS 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 F.H4 K-B2 Q-Kt RxQ R-Kt3 K-KJ R-R5 Kt-B3 Kt-QJ -B-B3 KxB Kt-K4ch R-R6ch txKBP R-R5 Kt-K4 3? 38 39 B-Kt5ch Resigns. In his recent record-breaking blindfold performance, G. Koltanowski, the Belgian champion, playing the white pieces, produced the following nea brevity. WHITE BLACK P-QB3 P-Q4 PxP Kt-B3 QxP KtPxKt Q-R4ch QxB Q-K3 QxP S3 1 P-K4 P-Q4 Kt-QB3 KtxP B-Q3 Kt-KB3 Kt: CtxKtch BxB B-Q2 Castles Q-Q3 QR 13 Q-Q8ch 14 B-R5dbleh 15 R-QBmate.